Does feet and legs have to do with CarpalTunnel Syndrome??
by Abbey
(Provo Utah)
It started 4 months ago, I woke up with my both hands tingling, so far i have this every day.
During the day while I am moving its OK but then when I go to sleep it's when it bothers me.
I am not in a big pain to have medication It concerns me. I can fall asleep and not wake up at all. I have been to the neurologist he did an MRI and a EMG and told me I had Carpal Tunnel!
But my question is My burning sensation is also in my feet and both hands some days only in one or in both or in all four feet and hands the burning sensation is more in my last fingers not in the thumb I feel swollen my hands and fingers but they are not
he gave a splint for my hand and did not bother about the legs or feet . he just said lets try 6 weeks and then maybe surgery !. I am a full time mom 37 years I don't do more than cleaning my house and driving and taking care of my kids, I don't play tennis or golf or type everyday so Is carpal tunnel Syndrome related to all this? .. my feeling is He is wrong!
Joshua Answers:Hello Abbey.
It sounds like nutritional deficiency to me.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a form of
Tendonitis, technically is only in your hands.
If you're having the same symptoms in feet, that is clearly not Carpal Tunnel. The symptoms in your hands might qualify, but when looking at your entire body, that's clearly not an isolated event.
There might be physical factor of tight muscle and tight connective tissue, and there likely are. But if you all of a sudden get burning and tingling in your hands and feet...your doctor, IMHO, should be a little
more curious about what the source of the problem is.
Did you know that
Inflammation Causes Vitamin B6 Deficiency?
Did you know that B12 deficiency causes 'burning' feeling and neurological problems? So does Vitamin D deficiency. And Magnesium deficiency. Oh, and muscle pain. And muscle tightness.
Did you know that pregnancy pulls A LOT of nutrition from your body? Combine that with the poor nutrition in the Standard American Diet that you probably eat...and it's a safe bet you could benefit from an increase in quality nutrition.
The other option, is cervical tightess and/or cervical trauma, such that the muscles of your neck are TIGHT and compressing your nerves. THis -shouldn't- affect the feet, but certainly could, depending.
So, I have some questions.
1. What is a normal daily dietary intake look like for you?
2. Any big changes lately? Life stress from death, divorce, job loss, etc? You don't need to answer, but the point is, sudden increases in a body's stress levels has side effects.
3. History of car accident, falling off a horse, etc?
4. Desk job?
5. Carrying kids around a lot?
6. Any other health issues going on, or anything else interesting for me to know?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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