by The Tendonitis Expert
Joshua's New KSO Vibram Five Finger Barefoot Shoes, First Time In Grass
Walking along Solano street to the gym in Albany by Berkeley (Housesitting in Albany for 10 days) I walked past a running shoe store. I looked in, and they had Vibram Five Fingers barefoot running shoes.
I'd thought about getting a pair for about a year, but never got around to it. Now seemed like a great opportunity.
I selected the Vibram Five Fingers KSO style because I liked its look and feel best.
I didn't want the leather of the KSO 'Trek' (though I'll probably get a pair for winter as they're a bit thicker/warmer), and I didn't like the 'Classic' because it lacks a strap.
The 'Flow' is more for water activities (and I don't like the material). The 'Sprint' has a strap, but I don't like the slipper look with the top of the foot not covered.
So the knowledgeable sales guy measured my feet, advised me on the different style options, spent a lot of time answering my questions (bless his patient heart) and went and got my KSOs.
Get In There Dummies!
It was awkward but kind of fun trying to get my toes into the appropriate 'toes'.
If you haven't, you should go try on a pair JUST for the experience of how Toetarded your toes are. I won't say more about that, other than that it's CRAZY to know that the toes are in the wrong spots but being unable to figure it out without reaching down and physically squeezing each individual 'finger' to see how many toes are in it...or aren't.
I walked around the store. The KSO's felt snug but not restricting. My toes felt a little odd, each in their own little slot. There was clearly a protective layer between me and the floor, but also, clearly no padding.
I liked it. I could feel my feet. What an interesting sensation. Very different than the feeling of wearing regular shoes.
I liked the concept. And I felt (literally) that there was something to this. So I paid the $80 +tax, put my old shoes back on, and went home.
Once inside I put on my brand spankin new Vibram Five Finger KSO barefoot shoes. I planned on only wearing them around the house in case I needed to take them back to trade them in for some reason.
I feared that I would have to. My right foot is about half a size bigger than my left because my arch has been collapsing, so all my nervous system's attention was on the point where my left big toe was pressing up against the end of the 'toe'.
Walking around was really comfortable, except for where my left big toe was pressing against the end of the shoe.
Other than that, it was fun, and definitely felt different than walking around in regular shoes, and different than walking barefoot in the house too.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert