Convulsions Post Nerve Conduction Test
by Jeanette
(Bellevue, NE)
I have undiagnosed muscle pain and weakness and was referred to a neurologists for a nerve conduction and EMG testing.
That night my entire body experienced uncontrollable jerking similar to convulsions.
It was the worst night of my life as I was conscious throughout the whole four hours I had no control over my body. It was also painful.
Then next day I phoned my neurologist and she said she'd never heard of what I had experienced. She is a young MD, however I was in disbelief at her lack of interest in what had happened to me.
The test was in Dec 2009, my symptoms appeared in June 2009 and I am approached the ONE YEAR mark still with no answers. My PCP just brushes me off without doing any research and gives me pain meds and anti anxiety medication each month, however I really need to know what is going on with my body so I know how to fight this.
I see him again today and I'm going to bring up the possibility of some sort of myositis because my condition is getting worse as time goes by. I am frightened.
I have to daughters, and elderly parents that need me to be well. Hopefully by posting this someone can help or I can help someone else just by telling my story.
In good faith,
Joshua Answers:Hi Jeanette.
That response is certainly 'rare'. I've never heard of it.
I can imagine that your doctor hadn't heard of it before either.
And I agree, the lack of interest is a big problem. No curiosity as to why or how?
That's my big complaint with the current medical mindset. It's all pharmaceutical drugs thrown blindly at symptoms, with no interest in WHY a problem is in existence.
Tendonitis for instance. Every doctor prescribes the usual 'standard of care', and will continue to do so, regardless of results or lack thereof, because that's what the AMA says
they should do (and are therefor covered from lawsuits).
Even if it didn't work on the previous hundred people, the prescription will be the same.
If I had to take a guess just from what you've told me so far, I'd guess that you are significantly deficient in at least one of a variety of nutrients, mainly Magnesium and B12 (and Vitamin D).
Both play a HUGE rule in nervous system chemistry. If your chemistry is off, it makes sense that the electricity introduced by the NCT could, essentially, send extra energy into the system that it's not able to handle, and you were left with 'echoes', or little explosions of chemical process gone wrong. (The nervous system is nothing but electrical/chemical process)
Mostly we go right to 'I have a disease' or some other problem, but most ailments are, ultimately, nutritional deficiency.
If you don't have the right building blocks, your body can't work correctly.
So what do you do about that?
I'd talk to Kerri at
I could say a lot more about all of that, but I'll leave it at that Kerri is the person you want to talk to.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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