Cervical degenerative disc disease without compression
by John Dooley
(Old Bridge, NJ)
I just ordered your DVD on carpal tunnel and have another issue.
Diagnosed with cervical degenerative disc disease without compression. Pain, mostly on head rotation, is not at all sharp and feels more like a muscle or tendon issue.
I wonder if the pain might be unrelated to the disc problem and whether you have any advice on neck pain.
I am inclined to try icing as I doubt it could hurt anything.
Joshua Answers:Hi John. Your DVD will ship on Monday.
As far as neck issues, my first round of suggestions is to go out right now and get two books.
The first is '7 Steps To A Pain Free Life' by Dr. Robin McKenzie. I don't really like the title, but it's an absolute life saver for bulging and ruptured disc issues.
I don't know what you have going on specifically, but I'd do what it says in the cervical section of that book and see what happens.
The second book is 'Healing Back Pain' by Dr. John Sarno. He has a very interesting perspective on 'degenerative disc disease' that I find incredibly valuable.
They're both quick reads, and between the two of them, they got me off of two months on the floor, in two days.
So there's that.
Moving on, I don't put much weight on the 'degenerative' part. I do put a lot of weight on muscles and connective tissue structures being TOO TIGHT for TOO LONG. That's the
Tendonitis dynamic, meaning a progressive
mechanism of increasing tightness and pain.
I'll have a Whiplash ebook out before too long here that you will find very helpful.
So yes, Ice. Frequently throughout the day, for just a couple minutes at a time. More repetitions is better than just leaving it on for a long time once or twice.
Also, start going through your cervical range of motion several times a day. Light, easy, don't push it, just explore where you move freely and where you don't. Stay in the freely range, and as your body sees you move without pain, it will let you go a little farther, then a little farther.
Tell me more about your Carpal Tunnel. I bet you a dollar your
Carpal Tunnel Symptoms are a lot related to your neck issues.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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