Do you know the Cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
HINT: There's more than one (but they're all related).
Your doctor is unlikely know what caused your RA, s/he will probably blame it on genetics, or explain it like you have a 'disease'. They certainly don't know how to get rid of the arthritis rheumatoid.
You don't have a disease, you have a set of predictable responses to various inflammatory agents that are ongoingly put into your body (primarily in the form of the foods you eat).
Unless you have the rare doctor that knows what's what, your doctor will tell you what you'll find online; that RA is a disease, that there is no cure, that the cause is poorly understood, that genetics play a role.
Let's explore those myths.
MYTH: Rheumatoid Arthritis Is A Disease
There may be some semantics at play here, but RA is not a disease.
AIDS is a disease. The Bubonic Plague is a disease. Small pox is a disease.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is not a disease, just like Tendonitis is not a disease.
See: What Is Tendonitis
Rheumatoid Arthritis is the equivalent of drinking a little bit of gasoline every day. You're body can't operate very well like that. Drinking a little bit of gasoline everyday would obviously throw the body into a 'diseased' state, but nobody would (well, doctors would) say that you have Gasoline Disease.
A person with some common sense would say "STOP DRINKING GASOLINE!"
Same thing with RA. Stop taking in what the body is reacting to, and fix any side effects that have been caused, like damage to the gut lining, and RA symptoms reduce and/or go away.
MYTH: There Is No Cure For Rheumatoid Arthritis
As a general observation of the hospital medical community, doctors believe that there is no cure for RA.
It is important to note that they also believe that there is no cure for diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, crohn's disease, and a host of other 'medical conditions' that are in fact curable and reversible.
So doctor's track record is pretty bad. Just because they don't know HOW to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis does not equal that there IS no cure for arthritis rheumatoid type.
Again, stop drinking gasoline and the predictable result of drinking gasoline can result.
MYTH: The Cause Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Unknown/Poorly Understood
Doctors and the internet will tell you that the causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis are pooly understood (meaning, they don't know what causes RA).
If you really ask your doctor, and continue asking after their first brief response or two, you'll quickly end up at a blank stare.
Mainstream western medicine just doesn't know what causes Rheumatoid Arthritis. It's not in their education, it's not in their paradigm, it's not in the business model.
But it's not a mystery in other circles of expertise. So it's not that the causes are poorly understood, it's just that mainstream medicine and the popular websites that reflect mainstream medicine (like WebMD and MedicineNet) just don't know the well known cause. Plus, it's bad for business and the pharmaceutical industry to have a (relatively) simple 'cure'.
MYTH: Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Caused By 'Bad Genetics'
Many of both sources will also say that genetics play a role, and that 'bad genes' cause RA (while in the same breath saying that there is no direct connection between any gene and RA.
As in every aspect of life, genetics DO play a role in health and arthritis rheumatoid. But the way genes actually work (in all cases other than obvious genetic anomaly/genetic disease which is it's own category) is that genes only express in the right environment.
And RA is clearly caused by particular environmental factors.
The good news is that there's actually a ton of research out there that clearly points to Rheumatoid Arthritis causes.
What causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?
First, make sure that you understand the answer to the question What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
To understand what RA -is-, you need to know WHY RA comes into existence.
What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Once upon a time you were perfectly healthy. Now you're not. What happened to get you here?
That's obviously a wide ranging inquiry, so we'll just stick with Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms and the overall cause.
That's the mechanism of the cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis. You drink gasoline, gasoline harms your body function.
Take note that Rheumatoid Arthritis causes not only joint pain and eventually joint deformation, but can also cause organ damage.
Joint Pain and damage is bad enough, you DO NOT want organ impairment and organ damage.
It may be obvious, but RA is one of the major Joint Pain causes
Other Causes Of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Inflammatory foods is the primary cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
There are other factors available, like pollution, like chemicals, but it all revolves around:
Tendonitis And Rheumatoid Arthritis
Osteoarthritis and Osteoarthritis Symptoms can be caused by the Tendonitis dynamic, but Rheumatoid Arthritis is NOT caused by Tendonitis...though it can help create or irritate Tendonitis.
Some people are told by their doctors and other sources that the cause of the RA is 'genes'.
For instace, medical researchers claim a relationship between the HLA-B27 gene marker and RA, and tell people with this marker that they are at higher risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis because they 'have' that gene marker.
But as explained in the conversation linked below, genes in general don't doom people to illnesses (short of congenital genetic abnormalities and conditions). It's the ENVIRONMENT a person is in that causes genes to express or not.
So stop blaming your RA on your genes and start blaming it on your harmful dietary/lifestyle habits that are causing Leaky Gut and resulting autoimmune response.
See: Flare Up Of Widespread Tendonitis Saw Rheumatologist Today
So, you want to get rid of your Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms?
Then you have to stop drinking the gasoline.
And you have to heal your Leaky gut.
The first part is easy. It's changes in diet and food intake. This is 100% good for you on all levels. It may be psychologically challenging, but really it's just a change of habit.
Did You Know That You're Addicted To Bread?
If the thought of cutting out ALL breads and pasta for the next 2 months (minimum) has you respond with "I could NEVER do that!", then you're literally addicted to gluten.
And I do mean, LITERALLY. When gluten breaks down it creates a morphine-like byproduct. So you have the opportunity to stop your daily drug habit -and- have a healthy body again!
Healing the Leaky Gut is a little more tricky. It takes some time as you have to clear the inflammation from your body (basically) and the body MUST get the nutrition it needs so the digestive tract lining can heal.
But cutting out the gasoline is the first priority. Nothing has a chance of getting better if you don't do that.
In other words, if you don't eliminate the cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis, there is no hope of reversing the 'disease'.
Pain is an intriguing factor in the human existence. People can get so used to being in pain that there is a pschological struggle to 'let go' of it (meaning, doing the work it takes to live pain free again).
I can't help you with any pschological battles, but ironically enough, the malnutrition that comes from the Leaky Gut reduces your ability to cope, literally. And I can definitely help you with the required nutrition and Leaky Gut.
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