Catcher That Has Wrist Tendonitis
by lexi
i'm a 16 year old softball player. catcher to be exact. i have been playing for 6 years already. but then this crap happens. and i don't know what to do...
well it started when i, along with my team, had a tournament out of the country last march 20-29 2010. i was the only catcher so that means that no one replaced me.
so in that 10 days we had a game everyday sometimes a double header (2 games in a day) so i have been feeling the pain in my left hand since the 2nd game and i just ignored it. and then my left hand just started to swell so i iced it every night while sleeping, put voltaren and taped it when we have a game. as you can see i have a very very high pain tolerance.
so when i got back from the tournament, the swelling decreased every day that pass but i still feel this pain on the outer side of my left wrist and i still ignored it thinking it will be gone. but just a while ago, it was really bothering me so i told my mom and she accompanied me to the E.R. to have it checked.
we had it x-rayed and the doctor said at first that it was fractured but when she compared it with my right wrist, she said that there was no fracture but i have tendonitis!
oh and my wrist clicks when i rotate it.
what can i do? i still want to continue playing til college. will i have to have it cased? just to make it go away?
i love the sport and i just can't leave it just because of tendonitis.
Joshua Answers:Hi Lexi.
First off, let me just say that you are a bad ass. Rock on.
Now, let's get your wrist feeling better so you can continue doing what you love to do.
1. So you had swelling (from irritaiton and the
Process of Inflammation that comes with it) that is now going away, but you're left with pain.
It's all about the
Pain Causing Dynamic which is still firmly in place.
You need to deal with this now. Time will not 'heal' you. Granted you are young, but you're A. a heavy duty athlete and B. already hurting at 16.
2. Your doctor thought you had a fracture but then declared
That's kind of weird. Tendonitis doesn't really show up on an xray, so he must have conluded that since there was no visible fracture, it must be Tendonitis. That's fair.
So. You played a lot and pushed your wrist structures. Too much, it seems. Irritation upon irritation, and now your structures are UNHAPPY.
3. You can either start Ice Dipping like a crazy girl, as described on the
How To Reduce Inflammation page. As many times a day as possible.
The more motivated you are to get better, the more you'll dip.
4. Or you can get my
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook, which I highly suggest that you do.
It has everything you need to not only lower your pain levels, but to support your body to be strong, healthy, and pain free as you continue to play a career of your sport.
More questions, more answers.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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