Carpal Tunnel Hand Surgery on Right and Left Hands didn't work
by Debbie
(Tucson, AZ)
I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery on the right hand in November 09 and on the left in December 09.
In January and February of 2010 I did hand therapy for approx. 6 weeks (2 X per week). I still did not receive any relief in fact the pain was much worse than before the surgery and numbness was still present.
In April of 2010 I had my 1st nerve conduction test which showed that the nerves were still compressed in both hands. The test was repeated in June 2010 with the same results.
In July 2010 I had the right had re-surgeried and a trigger thumb released. I went to hand therapy in August and September of 2010. My right hand is now worse than ever. I have the feeling of a terrible toothache in both palms all the time with very sharp (intermittent)shooting pains that take your breath away.
My left thumb is also a trigger and is frozen 95% of the time in extension. The left hand cannot undergo re-surgery since the right hand has not recovered.
I cannot open cans, jars, door knobs, cut meat, etc, etc. I tried to get Mayo to evaluate since I believe something else may be going on but they turned me down saying that any additional treatment or surgery at this time would further diminish the long term use of my hands.
I have started acupunture today in the hopes that it will reduce the level of pain to tolerable. I currently only get 3-5 hrs sleep per night and not continuous due to the pain.
Any suggestions?
Joshua Answers:Suggestions, yes!
1. NO MORE SURGERY! Causing more damage and trauma to your wrist/hand/lower arm is probably not a good idea. Your nervous system is freaked out enough as it is.
2. Consider the possibility that that numbness etc
may be coming from tight short muscles stepping on the hose of the nerve up at the front of the neck.
3. Consider the possibility that you may be nutritionally deficient.
Magnesium for Tendonitis being a big one.
4. Learn
How To Reduce Inflammation. And start doing that activity TODAY!
5. If you haven't already, you may want to get my
The Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works DVD and Quick Start Companion ebook that comes with it.
You're in a pretty acute situation. You had
Tendonitis with some specific aspects of a
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. You also had an advanced
Pain Causing Dynamic and highly active
Process of Inflammation.
What Is Tendonitis?Multiple surgeries have made all that worse. Heightened all those dynamics and it's obviously negatively affecting your structure, (and your ability to sleep, which is necessary for healing).
Unfortunately, it's unlikely that the surgeries were even targeting the right spot/problem area. But they damaged you nonetheless.
You need to attack (in a good way) the ecology of your arms. Right now it's tight, constrictive, irritable, painful, etc. And that's a feedback loop that makes things tighter, more irritable, more painful, etc.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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