Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis in Right Wrist from Guitar Playing and Computer Work
by Penny
(British Columbia, Canada)
Hi, I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist a couple of years ago and have avoided surgery by using a night splint, some icing (not the sugar variety) and some acupressure and shiatsu points.
I'm at the computer constantly for work. I'm right handed. I'm a guitar player but can only play for about 5 minutes before my hand is numb and tingly.
There has been some wasting of the muscle below my thumb but I'm thinking that may just be because it's not used as much as it was pre-carpal tunnel syndrome.
I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow and I'm reconsidering.
Definitely my reasoning for have the surgery would be to allow me to get back to my guitar. If the surgery goes well, am I likely to get back the full dexterity of my right hand so that my guitar picking doesn't suffer?
Thanks for your help.
Joshua Answers:Hello Penny.
I obviously didn't get back to you by the surgery deadline (that was cutting it close, asking the day before!)
If you get Carpal Tunnel surgery, I HOPE that you get back to a full 100%. I wouldn't bet any money on it though.
So, did you get the wrist surgery? If so, respond with a description of what exactly the surgeon did, what s/he told you to do for recovery and rehab, and how you feel now.
And we'll work on helping you recover from the surgery as best as possible.
If you didn't get the surgery, let me know and we'll go from there. I'll have some questions, etc.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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