Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Tunnel From Power Yoga. Will Your DVD Help?
by Laurie
I developed EXTREME pain in my fingers, hands, wrists and forearms this winter after practicing power yoga 5 to 6 days a week.
My doctor says it's Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Tunnel.
Your extreme icing helped but now 3 months later, whenever I lift a heavy object or perform any stressful exertion with my hands, my wrists and the muscles in my forearms start to tighten up and hurt again.
Will your DVD address and improve this problem?
Joshua Answers:Hi Laurie.
Let's see. From just what you've said, yes, I think one of my DVDs will definitely address and improve the pain in your arms.
From the situation you describe I think you should get 'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works'.
It will effectively address the dynamic of the entire lower arm. (The Carpal Tunnel DVD does too, but the focus is different.)
If and when you get and watch the dvd, contact me and I will tell you how to slightly adjust one of the activities on it so that you will get the results you want.
The thing to know about this kind of pain is that it is a dynamic, a mechanism.
Just getting rid of the pain, which icing does, is great. But you need to keep at the icing even after the pain is gone to help the body structure work better. And the other activities on the DVD hit everything that needs to get hit to reverse the problem, instead of just make the pain go away.
So I'm curious what is going on in your arms. I can imagine a lot of the activity you are doing in Power Yoga.
Actually, I'm more curious why you are having pain that you tried
the icing for.
At this point I'm just going with that you have too much tightness both muscular and connective tissue that has been slowly getting tighter and tighter over time, and a nervous system that thinks you are in danger so it is kicking in a very strong inflammation process.
Questions to give me a more clear idea of what exactly is going on1. Did you have pain before Power Yoga? How long have you been doing PY?
2. Have you had wrist/elbow pain before, historically?
3. What do you do with your hands all day? Keyboarding, mousing, what kind of work/activity do you do with your hands?
4. What was your experience with the Ice Dipping? How much did you do, over how long a period till the pain was less/gone?
5. How long after you stopped Ice Dipping until the pain came back from yoga?
6. Does it hurt during Power Yoga, or after?
7. Did your doctor elaborate on it when s/he said 'Carpal Tunnel' and 'Cubital Tunnel'?
8. Any numbness or loss of strength in the fingers/hands/wrist?
So many questions, so little time....
And I'm always happy to answer more questions.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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