Can't lift a coffee mug due to Wrist Tendonitis pain
by dave
(kamloops, bc, canada)
Hello, I'm 49 male, generally in good shape. I'm a regular runner and gardener and in overall good health, although I have been taking an acid blocker (rabeprazole) for about 6months to address a hiatus hernia in my lower esophagus.
I have had chronic tennis and golfers my right arm, likely from years of carrying a heavy bar with my right hand. The elbow area is not debilitating, more irritating and occasionally moderately painful and occasionally I wear a brace.
Anyhow about 6 months ago while using a spade to chop out some sod I got wrist pain...I continued working as it didn't seem like something that would persist, and I've done a helluva lot worse things that I should have suffered injury for.
Yet it has and has gotten worse to the point in the morning I can't even lift a cup of coffee with my right hand, and I get excruciating pain when I shake someone's hand, try to open the fridge door, steer the tractor with my right hand, etc.
X-rays showed nothing...I have also felt to a lesser degree the same pain off and on now in my left wrist in the same exact location for the same period of time.
I've tried bracing, and that helps stabilize but doesn't fix anything. Ice just seems to numb the area for awhile. Alleve doesn't seem to touch it.
The pain is pretty much about a little more than
1 inch around, on my pinky finger side at the base of my palm. Mostly around the inner side of the bump on the bone that is there.
I've wondered if this could be a side effect of the acid blocker but that doesn't seem likely. Any thoughts?
Joshua Answers:Hi Dave.
Some comments, then some questions.
Tendonitis, whether it's
Wrist Tendonitis or symptoms in any other location, may or may not include actual injury.
Point being, maybe you have injury, maybe your pain is due to other factors.
As you've mentioned,
Wrist splints and braces don't help or fix anything. Neither does
I imagine we're looking at the usual factors of the
Pain Causing Dynamic, plus nutritional deficiency.
Questions:1. How exactly have you iced it?
2. Have you done any research to see what nutritional deficiencies your acid blocker can cause?
3. Did you have the wrist pain before the acid blockers?
4. Any history of injury?
5. Overall health and energy levels?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert