Can the usage of Levaquin cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
by Laura
I have had Carpal Tunnel Surgery on both wrists and was wondering if taking Levaquin could effect the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Joshua Answers:Hi Laura.
Whether you've had
Carpal Tunnel Surgery or not, if you take Levaquin, and get cytotoxic damage, then it can certainly play a role.
Can Levaquin be the cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? It can certainly be the cause of all the Carpal Tunnel Symptoms, yes. And/or at least play a role.
CTS is a dynamic made up of a variety of factors.
I'm guessing that you've had carpal tunnel surgery, you still have pain and symptoms, and you're wondering if Levaquin is to blame.
Well, surgery is not a sure fix for CTS. From where I stand, it's not a fix and it rarely if ever gets a person back to 100%, or even 80%.
So if you still have symptoms, there are a lot of factors at play. If you have also had Levaquin in there somewhere, that is a good topic to investigate.
Tell me more, and let's see what we can see.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert