Can my wrist tendonitis from an old fall be getting worse?
by Melanie
Hi Joshua, my name is Melanie and I am 17.
2 years ago I fell off my trampoline onto my left wrist.
I got up and I couldn't move it at first but then I could.
The next day at school it started to hurt so I went to see the athletic trainer and he iced it then wrapped it for softball practice.
Well this has been going on and off for 2 years.
I went to the doctors in may 2009 and that is when he told me that I have tendonitis.
I was playing tennis a couple of weeks ago and I only played for about 45 minutes. Then the next day my wrist was hurting me so bad that I could barely move it.
I really want to play softball this year but I am afraid that this won't be gone by then.
What can I do?
Thank you :)
Joshua Answers:Hi Melanie.
I wondered if you fractured or tore a ligament, but if you could play softball the next day I'm not too worried about that.
I assume that the doc diagnosed you with
Wrist Tendonitis?
You likely some sort of version of:
1. Impact that caused some rip or tear in there somewhere, or overstretched a
ligament or tendon, or jammed some bones.
All these things, at the very least, sent the nervous system into a panicked must-protect-her mode.
2. Muscle tightness, inflammation and pain.
3. Time passes. Muscles get tighter and stay tighter, connective tissue shrinkwraps, nevous system continues to try to protect you by keeping things tight and by keeping a chronic
Process of Inflammation in place.
So it's likely you have some amount of
Tendonitis and you DEFINITELY have a
Pain Causing Dynamic of proggressive tightness and pain.
What to do about wrist tendonitis?First things first. Learn
How To Reduce Inflammation.
Hit that hard for 7 days, and then update me and we'll go from there.
And ask any questions that you have.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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