Can I get 'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works' in Belgium, and will it play there?
by Johan
Dear Sir,
I have been suffering from a tennis elbow for about 5 months now.
I live in Belgium, Europe and I was wondering if I could order your DVD and more importantly if I would be able to play it here in Europe (another DVD-region).
I am rather desperate as there are so many things I can't do and I am in constant pain.
I look forward to your answer, best regards,
Johan S.
Joshua Answers:Hi Johan. Thanks for asking.
Yes you can order 'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works' and it will be shipped to Belgium.
Will it play on the dvds there? Uhmmmmm, that's a good question. A far as I know, and my understanding of dvd playability and such, it should play.
It should paly on a dvd player, and in a computer/laptop.
I've sold DVDs in Ireland, England, Germany, and one other country that I can't remember at the moment, and I haven't gotten any complaints/feedback that they didn't play.
So go ahead and order the DVD. Worst case scenario, it won't play and I'll refund your money. Plus then I'll be more motivated to get the digital downloads ready to go.
Also, since you're here, feel free to describe your symptoms, your activities, and all that scenario, and let's see exactly what you have going on.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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