Can foot tendonitis cause pain up the entire leg?
by Annie O'Neill
(Austin Tx)
I believe that I have foot tendonitis, and I am wondering if this would cause pain in my leg? And can tendonitis pain go away and then come back?
Joshua Answers: Hi Annie.
Why exactly do you thin you have
Tendonitis? Specifically, why Tendonitis of the foot?
Where exactly on the foot?
Extensor Tendonitis?
Plantar Fasciitis?
What Is Tendonitis?Yes, it can cause pain up the leg. Conversely, issue with the leg (upper and or lower) can be the source of your foot pain.
That's a general answer. For you specifically, I'd need more information to see what's going on.
Does Tendonitis pain come and go? Absolutely.
Pain Causing DynamicMore questions, more answers.
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----------------------- Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert