Can Carpal Tunnel heal over time?
by diana hauptmann
(algona ia usa)
I was told by the doctor in 2001 after testing that I had carpal tunnel. My hands hurt worse now so I went to a different doctor and after testing she says there is no carpal tunnel that maybe it healed itself. Can that happen?
Joshua Answers:Hi Diana.
You didn't leave your email address at the notification section so I hope you find this response.
The body can heal Carpal Tunnel, yes.
But as you'll read in the
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome section, it's not particularly likely.
Though it's entirely common for pain to come and go. Pain can stay a way for a long time, or a short time, it just all depends on what's happening underneath the surface of the skin.
Carpal Tunnel Symptoms can come from a variety of directions: repetitive motion, gluten intolerance, vitamin B6 deficiency, magnesium deficiency, etc.
And the body is always compensation and adapting, so sure, something could have changed.
Plus, one or both of your doctors might have been wrong.
And they're wrong anyway, because Carpal Tunnel is not an injury. There's nothing to 'heal'.
What there is is a
Pain Causing Dynamic.
Meaning, structures anywhere from neck to wrist get tight, stay tight, and cause pain and/or numbness and tingling.
That Pain Causing Dynamic is the mechanism of ALL forms of
What Is TendonitisSee:
Tendonitis DVDs and
Tendonitis Ebooks.
The Pain Causing Dynamic explains why you had pain, why it goes away (because the body is always trying to fix things that aren't working right), and why you still (may) have pain.
Make sense?
1. Did you have numbness/tingling before but don't now?
2. Why exactly does the doctor think it healed itself?
More questions, more answers.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert