Bruising when Ice dipping / ice massaging shin splints?
by James
Hi Joshua,
I have been suffering from very mild shin splints form running (I believe probably caused by tight soleus). Having noticed the onset of this, I decided to treat before it got worse.
Having seen your article I have been ice massaging regularly, and have ice dipped once yesterday.
I have several questions -
1) Shin 'edge' feels lumpy. Should I be tring to break this down?
2) Rubbing ice into my shins seems to have caused bruising in a line along my shin. This is most noticable where the soreness was worst. Is this normal?
3) At what point do you stop the ice treatments?
4) I have also been experiencing soreness in the front of one ankle (possibly unrelated). Is ice dipping a good way to treat this also?
Many thanks,
Joshua Answers:Hi James.
Good for you for getting started on it before it gets bad. That's wise!
1. I wouldn't worry about the non-smooth edge. Some people are smooth, some aren't. It could be bony ridge which won't change, or connective tissue connection, which may smooth out or not if you loosen things up. Depends on what it is.
Pay attention to it though, see what happens with it.
2. Bruising like soreness, or bruising like discoloration?
If it's discoloration, either you are pressing too hard and hurting yourself, or you bruise easily.
Or is it just redness that stays a while?
Historically do you bruise easily?
3. Basically, you ice until after the pain is gone. Icing first decreases pain and -starts- to restructure tissue, loosening it up. If you're wise, you'll keep at it until the whole structure is loose, relaxed, mobile, and pain free. It'll take time and effort, granted.
Most people stop when pain is gone or even just very low.
4. Ice Dipping is a GREAT way to lower pain levels, and help the ecology of the entire area.
The more the merrier.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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