Broken fibula, low vitamin D
by 3
Xray 1 of broken fibula
Xray 2 of broken fibula from low vitamin d 3ng/ml deficiency
Xray 3 of broken fibula from low vitamin d 3ng/ml deficiency
Report showing Vit D blood level of 3ng/ml deficiency
I have been suffering with knee pain for the past year. Each time I went to an ortho, he suggested i do physio and that my muscles were weak. Now last week I broke my fibula bone, right above the ankle, after a simple ankle twist.
Post that I got my Vitamin D checked. The results showed its just 3.0 ng/ml .
Please advice me as what to do now.
Joshua Answers:Hi 3.
Holy moley! A 3ng/ml????
A. That's the lowest I've ever seen.
B. A Vitamin D level of 3ng/ml is DANGEROUSLY low.
Not like you're going to die tomorrow, but like your body can't operate properly, which sets people up for disease process, and potentially severe Osteoporosis.
Which might explain the bone break...
Article On OsteoporosisIf
Tendonitis gets bad enough, then muscle can/do get functionally weak.
What Is Tendonitis?Muscles are supposed to absorb force...when they can't do that then all that force has to go somewhere....
So your muscles fail, your 'twist' your ankle, force translates to bone, bone breaks.
-Probably- that's because of low bone density, but it doesn't have to be.
But if your Vitamin D level is a 3, then it's been low for A LONG TIME.
Not good.
Vitamin D is a hormone that's basically at the base of your body operation. It is necessary for:
- muscle function
- immune system function
- hormone function
- strong bones
- etc, etc, etc
I don't know if you have any other health issues, but if you don't, you absolutely will at some point with a Vit D level of 3ng/ml.
And if you do, it will be interesting to see how much getting your Vit D level to between 60-80ng/ml will get rid of said health issues.
So we MUST get your levels up ASAP. Which is cheap and easy to do, no worries.
The one warning is, since your
Vit D levels have been so low for so long, and since you broke a bone (which is just a clue), it's possible and/or likely that as you've lost bone density your bones have shrunk down a little.
And the connective tissue wrapping the bone shrinks down with it.
When you get Vitamin D and other necessary nutrients back into your body, this will cause your bones to expand again (as they become more dense and healthy) and push against that connective tissue, which might cause you some bone pain.
If you do have bone pain, there's nothing to do but suck it up and wait it out until the bone expands and 'stretches' the connective tissue wrapping of the bone.
I'm not saying that will happen, I'm just saying that you should be aware of that.
I suggest that you get the
Anti-Osteoporosis Pack I put together.
It has the nutrients you need to:
- get you Vit D levels back up to where they should be
- help your broken bone heal faster
1. What did your doctor tell you about the Vit D level of 3ng/ml?
2. Was s/he worried or concerned?
3. What did they tell you to do about it?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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