Bilateral Peroneal Tendonitis For 5 Months In A 21 Year Old
by Dee
Hi Joshua, I have been dealing with severe peroneal tendonitis (MRI diagnosis) in both feet for the past 5 months.
I began PT 2-3 weeks after the pain started. I also see a podiatrist who made me custom orthotics, which I wear every day. (I wore bilateral aircast walking boots for 6 weeks straight to rest the tendons, after therapy only seemed to be worsening things.)
Now in therapy I do 10 min of recumbent bike to warm up the lower extremities, ultrasound to the tendons, some balancing exercises, light resistive eversion and inversion, then ice cup.
In daily life, I can make it through a grocery store trip, walking very slowly, but that is about all. Could not take a 15 minute walk with my dog.
I previously worked out 6x a week: walked dog 10 miles/week, ballet class for 90 min 1-2X/wk, latin dance aerobics, strength class, and cardio class/lo impact, and one yoga class.
I have not been able to do ANY of this for the past 5 months. I do go to the gym and do the upper body machines and now am able to do 12 min on the recumbent bike at the gym.
Some days I can add 10 min on the elliptical without too much pain.
Nutritionally, I eat a wide variety of foods and take calcium (700mg), Magnesium (750mg), vitamin D (1150iu). I am not sure about my vitamin D levels, but I don't do much sun, so it is possible I am low. How much Vit D do you recommend for a 120 lb female?
I have read about your plan of ice dips and massage. I will try ice dips every day for a week, followed by ice massage.
I had been religious about ice massage a few months ago, but then gave it up as it didn't seem to be doing much.
I have never tried the ice dips though. In a perfect world, how many dips/ how many times a day?
I will try whatever you recommend- I just want to get better!
I would be so happy to be able to walk my dog again! My kids and husband would be so happy to have their mom back!
Joshua Answers:Hi Dee.
Ok, let's see here.
1. Yes, invest in/experiment with Ice Dipping for a solid week.
Make sure to get as high up the lower leg as possible. 5 gallon bucket or some such.
As a general rule, the more you hurt, and the longer you've been hurting, and the faster you want to get out of pain, the more you want to dip.
If I were you I'd shoot for 50 dips throughout the day, each day, however you want to manage it.
It's triage (if that is the right term). You just rolled in, in trauma. Ice dip. Ice Dip. Ice Dip. Knock down the
Process of Inflammation. Start reversing the
Pain Causing Dynamic, and thus start reversing the
Tendonitis dynamic.
2. Vitamin D. It's VERY likely that you are Vitamin D deficient. Most everybody is.
Check out Kerri's
Vitamin D Requirements page.
I'd get my level checked. And while I'm not going to tell you how much Vit D to take since I'm not a doctor or nutritionist, I'll definitely suggest that you take more.
1,000 i.u.'s/day is a maintenance dose for an infant. (I'm not calling you an infant, I'm saying that's a research based/recommended level for infants).
3. What kind of Magnesium are you taking? Anything but Magnesium Oxide is good.
4. On the ice massage. Where exactly were you getting ice massage?
5. You eat a wide variety of foods. How many calories were you eating at your exertion level? How much protein?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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