Bilateral Knee Tendonitis in 38 year old soccer player - What to do?
by Joaquim Teixeira
(Lisbon, Portugal)
I'm 38 years old, and like to play soccer (Football in Europe)
My field position is Goalkeeper, which requires a lot of the knees.
I believe my problem is patellar tendonitis 'cause my right knee's MRI says so, even only with a small inflammation.
The MRI doesn't reveal any ligament, meniscus injury or something bad in the interior of the joint.
I already have a history with my left knee; which gave me pain and suffering for more than 8 months with the same injury.
I got rid of that, or thought I've had, with PT sessions, Mesoterapie, Hydro gymnastic and rest.
When the soccer season started, I began, and every thing was doing fine for 6 months.
Unfortunately, with a bad choice of boots, the pain got back, after a game.
It was not as sharp like in the past, more like an interior pain just down the patella. Now I’m not over using the knees and making the same mistakes but almost 2 months from now, I've been controlling the situation with ice and voltaren cream massage.
Beside that, I have a bump on each knee that gets bigger after each training session.
Also, after every training session or game, my knees get too sore and tighten, especially the right one.
In the following day I struggle to walk down stairs or squad.
What do you think I can do to solve my problem, besides buy
the eBook from Sports Injury to PFS problems?
Hope you can help me.
Sorry for the bad English.
Joshua Answers:Hi Joaquim.
Your English is just fine. No worries.
As you mentioned, definitely get
this ebook about hip tightness and muscle balance and how it relates with patellar tendonitis and do what it says.
Let me know what happens with that. If it works, kind of works, or doesn't work, that's good diagnostic information.
Before we go further...what do you mean, you have a bump on each knee that gets bigger after each practice??? Say more. Details, details, details.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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