Been suffering for two years post levaquin therapy
by James
(USA )
Hi Joshua, I really appreciate your site offering help to fluoroquinolone victims. I too am suffering tremendously every day.
I'm 23 yrs old. I took levaquin w/ Flagyl and doxycycline back in may 2009 for UTI. One month later I had severe heart/chest pain which lasted weeks.
Shortly after that I was hit with a multitude of neuromuscular problems. Initially I felt like my body, especially my arms, were electrically charged, and subsequently experienced paresthesia, hyposthesia, dysesthesia.
Now two years later I suffer from excruciating chronic tendonitis. Typing on the computer and handwriting exacberbate symptoms and I have really bad subluxations/stiffness in joints. My integrative doc aknowledges fq damage and has me on high dose vit c and oral glutathione.
I take mag in addition per your advice. My doc thinks I should get a muscle biopsy, what do you know or have to say about this procedure? What other things should I be thinking about?
Joshua Answers:Hi James.
Ouch, that sucks.
Aspects you describe that are common Levaquin side effects are easily attributed to the fact that Levaquin massively depletes your body of Magnesium, which causes a cascade or problems as your body is unable to
work properly.
You're doing glutathione, great! That's in
The Levaquin Tendonitis Solution ebook.
How much Magnesium are you taking? And I wonder if your doctor would be willing to give you a (1 or more) Magnesium IV treatment.
Levaquin Tendonitis is no fun, and it's WAY different than regular
Again, how much Magnesium are you taking?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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