Basketball Player WithTendonitis In Both Knees
by Christopher J
(Brooklyn, New York, USA)
I am a 20 year old college basketball player that has had to take a season off due to my tendonitis pain in my knees and the pain is not going away or getting any better.
I am not able to run or jump to my full ability at all. What should I do?
I constantly stretch, ice, and rest my knees but the pain wont go away!
Joshua Answers:Hello Christopher.
That's great you're stretching, icing. Resting, unfortunately, won't heal you back to the playing levels that you want.
Then it's a question of how are you stretching and how are you icing?
It's possible that if you are stretching appropriately and icing enough and the pain in your knees still is not getting -any- better, it may be as simple that you might just be short on protein (thus the body doesn't have enough building blocks to repair the injury, if there is indeed an injury).
Start adding in a lot more good protein: red meat, chicken, fish, cottage cheese, NOT milk.
And, I need more information.
1. Describe in as much detail as possible the pain in your knees. Where exactly, when and for how long, how, what makes it better, what makes it worse, etc.
2. How long has this pain been active. When did it first start?
3. Did the knee tendonitis symptoms start out as mild, and slowly progress.
4. How exactly
do you ice?
5. How exactly do you stretch? (Just the short version, please)
6. Other than self care, have you had any 'professional' treatment of any kind? If so, what and how much?
7. What does your daily food intake look like? I'm just guessing that as a college athlete it's not as good as it could be.....
8. How long have you been 'resting'?
9. Any previous injuries of any kind?
10. Why do you think it is 'tendonitis' as opposed to anything else?
11. Does the pain feel like it's on the outside of the joint, or inside the joint? Can you touch a hotspot(s) with your finger?
I may have more questions depending on your answers, but answer the above and I'll have a better idea of what exactly is going on and how to get you back in the game.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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