Bad Drugs That Cause
Muscle Pain And Tendonitis

There are some bad drugs out there. Really dangerous prescription drugs with side effects.

Specifically here we're talking about harmful drugs and side effects of prescription drugs related to muscle pain and tendonitis.

We're NOT talking about any new drug treatment for cancer. We're talking about prescription drugs that cause muscle pain, muscle cell death, weakness, and tendon and connective tissue damage which includes drugs that can completely rupture a tendon.

WARNING:  Discovering that your doctor is giving you/has given you drugs that are known to cause pain and problem may make you mad.

Bad Drugs
Which Ones?


Fluoroquinolones, or quinolones, are a class of powerful antibiotic. Known to have serious side effects and notorious for their ability to give tendon and connective tissue damage, tendon degradation and rupture.

This group includes Levaquin, Cipro, Avelox, Floxin, Maxaquin, Tequin and Noroxin.

Levaquin is the worst of the class currently still on the market, with the highest percentage of people injured from it.

Cipro is next in line.

It boggles my mind that doctors proscribe Levaquin for Acne these days.  Bad, bad idea.


Statins are a class of prescription only drugs that are primarily used to reduce cholesterol.

Statins and Muscle Pain are a common combination. There's more to it that that though.

The producers of Statins know full well that statins deplete the body of magnesium and that that's the cause of muscle pain etc.  Pfizer has a patent on a lipitor that includes magnesium (to stop the muscle pains) but it's not on the market.  One can only assume it's because if they admitted that Lipitor causes muscle pain and twitch and spasm and they knew that but still flooded the market with the non-magnesium Lipitor, somebody might start asking questions why in the world they would do such a thing.

"You pushed a product that you knew caused muscle pain and problem, but not the product that doesn't cause muscle pain and problem?"


Anti-inflammatory drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, are theoretically used to decrease inflammation and pain. They are not free of serious side effects.

Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen can erode your stomach lining.  Some people rely on large amounts of Ibuprofen as a pain killer for long periods of time (since they haven't found a fix to their problem).  This can be problematic.

And Acetametaphin can cause liver damage and liver failure.

Corticosteroid Injections can cause more pain, and can cause tendon damage from a couple different directions.  

Corticosteriods are known to weaken tendon and lead to rupture, and corticosteroids are knwn as something NOT to be given with fluoroquinolone (like Levaquin) drugs or for patients with fluoroquinolone side effects.

Bad Drugs
Are They Worth It?

Even 'good drugs' can have bad side effects.  Everybody is different and everybody's body responds differently.

But bad drugs...well, you better look at the black warning labels on these prescription drugs and make the choices that are best for you.

Don't Ignore The Black Label!

The vast majority of people just ignore the black box warnings.  It couldn't happen to me, right?  Well, when it does, then people suddenly start paying attention to the black box warning and wondering why their doctor would give them something that could harm them.

And then, when you find out that your doctor has no clue why you're hurting or what to do about it...

Remember. There is almost always a natural and safe alternative to whatever bad drug you have been prescribed.

  • D-mannose for bladder infections instead of antibiotics
  • Silver for viral infections instead of antibiotics
  • Taking magnesium with Statins to counter the muscle ache/pain/twitch
  • Most anything other than corticosteroid shots for tendon/joint pain

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