At Home Mom Tennis Player with Wrist Injury
by J
About a month ago I started getting pain on the right side of my right hand when I would play tennis.
It felt basically fine when I wasn't playing tennis... so I would not play for 5 days and then pick up the racket again. It would start to hurt etc.. I kept doing this for about 2 weeks until finally the pain did not go away after I played.
I stopped playing 2 weeks ago. Tried splints etc but it actually got worse. I started icing like you said yesterday and the pain is way better.
I believe in what you say about inflammation. I will continue to do the icing for a week. My question comes in after the week. I play competitive tennis and work out everyday. I am 45 years old and have been playing 4 times a week since I was 30. I know it's a Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) injury.
How long until I attempt to play again?? I heard if you tie 1/4 tape really tight on your wrist that it takes the place of a tendon.. Help I don't want to hurt myself more but I really really want to get back on the court as quickly as possible.
I also want to change whatever I was doing technically wrong to cause the problem in the first place.
What do you suggest??
Joshua Answers:Yeah, that's where it hurts
a little, then a little more, then a little more, you keep playing, and then one day debilitating pain.
In a perfect world, we'd do something about it when we feel the first sensations of pain, but we're human so for the most part we wait until we HAVE to do something about it.
That's just how human nature operates with the
Tendonitis dynamic.
What do I suggest? Fix yourself with
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook.
Short of that, keep ice dipping, open up the tissue of the forearm with Ice Massage, including specific work on the spot of the worst pain/potential injury, and check out the information on
Magnesium for TendonitisI don't have much input on a 'proper swing', as the movement aspect of things really isn't my thing. But you have to A. heal any actual rip/tear, B. open up TOO TIGHT muscle and connective tissue (which will relax those structures, allowing them to better perform their job.
More questions, more answers.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert