Am I The Only One To HaveTendonitis Of The Upper Hamstring?
by Christine
I had tendonitis of the upper left hamstring, where it attaches to the pelvis over a year ago and was under a doctor's care.
It healed and I successfully began running again.
Recently, I noticed slight pain in the same place, only on the right leg.
Any idea how long this will take to heal?
I am hoping, with no exercise, by the end of January.
This is a frustrating injury as you lose all your endurance and muscle as it heals.
It is in a place that is hindered by running or walking. How can I stay in shape while healing?
Also, am I the only one to ever have tendonitis of the upper hamstring? No articles on it anywhere.
Thank you for your time,
Joshua Answers:Hi Christine.
You didn't leave your email on the notifications section, so I hope you find this response.
No, you are definitely not the only person to have Tendonitis of the upper hamstrings.
It's likely that while the original pain 'healed', the tightness and shortness remained. That's just the way
Tendonitis and the
Pain Causing Dynamic works.
And I wouldn't recommend relying on
Rest to make this go away. It likely won't. Maybe the
pain will go away, but it's predictable that the issue will come back.
QUESTIONs: 1. If you poke around the painful spot, does it hurt up by the SITS bones (called such because you sits on them) at the top of the back of the leg/butt, or more medial/interior towards the crotch?
In my experience it's common to have some adductor issue in there too, if only from tight connective tissue around the adductors to tug on the hamstrings/connective tissue around the hamstrings.
2. How bad does it hurt? How what when where why?
3. What helps, what doesn't?
4. How much do you run?
If you find this and respond, I'll say more.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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