Almost two years of chronic severe tendonitis pain from playing guitar
by Matthew Webster
I got back into playing guitar after a 8 year break. I did not quit playing 8 years ago because of pain, I was just working on a career.
So, long story short.. I got a career, bought some VERY expensive guitars that I could never afford before. Started of right where I left off.. playing 4-6 hours a day, re-learning scales, arpegios, all that fun stuff.
All of a sudden I woke up one day to a very painful hand. I couldn't even hold a mouse (pc).
So I laid off for a few days. It felt OK, so I started back. BAM! pain in both hands, base of thumb, fingers, hand, wrists, forearms. elbows. I went to doctors who said it was carpal tunnel.
Had a EMG that was negative. So they guessed it was tendonitis.. NSAIDs (naproxen) twice a day @ 500mg. Then Darvocet. Then 5mg hydrocodone, 7.5mg, 10mg.
Excruciating Physical therapy for 4-6 months. Went to a different doctor. Had an MRI on just my left hand (I play left handed, so this would be my picking hand) and I had a torn ligament at the base of my thumb. Most likely from the physical therapy.
Wore a cast for three weeks. It was fixed, now back to the rest.
Then my shoulders started hurting from over-use by trying not to use my hands/arms. Doctor tried telling me i had Chronic Pain Syndrome.
Had my gallbladder taken out due to rib pain at the same time. Now my ribs and shoulders don't hurt. And after all this time the pain in my hands and arms finally went away. All of it!
So Tuesday (three days ago) I played my guitar for the 1st time in 6 months, only for 15 minutes.
All the pain in my hands, fingers, wrists, and forearms is back! WTH! This is very discouraging to say the least. Do you know how much a lefty PRS costs? to not be able to play it. I just don't know what to do now.
Joshua Answers:Holy shit what??
I'm going to say that again.
Holy shit what???
Matthew, your story has earned my first bad word added to a response on my website.
They took your gall bladder out?????
That's F'ing crazy. That's kind of like "Let's cut his leg off to see if it helps
his arms feel better."
Your doctors officially get this month's 'YOUR DOCTOR'S SMOKING CRACK' award.
Plus the Darvacet and hydrocodone before that....because they guessed that you had
Technically, you did have Chronic Pain Syndrome. Which is a label for a collection of symptoms, which basically means 'You hurt and we have no idea why or how to fix it.'
Grrrr, sometimes I get mad at doctors. Well, everytime they mess someone up unnecessarily I get mad about that. Taking out someone's gallbladder without any good reason to is unfortunately a common occurrence.
So, what's going on with all this pain? I need more information, but my first response is nutritional deficiency.
Magnesium, for sure. You need it. See:
Magnesium for TendonitisThe fact that you're fine one day and in extreme and lasting pain the next points to a few things, again nutritional deficiency being a primary player.
Magneisum, Vitamin D, B12, probably B6. You're body just can't work correctly with deficiencies in these.
I highly recommend my
The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works DVD and companion ebook that comes with.
You need to understand the dynamic, the nutrition, why pain stays and how to get rid of it.
Another 8 years of rest isn't going to fix anything. And of course the shoulders started to hurt as your body compensated.
You are hurting for a reason(s). The trick is to adequately address said reason(s). Otherwise, it will be a lot of effort with little to no result.
Even that torn ligament happened for a predictable, reliable set of factors. Knowing what they are and how to deal with them is the KEY to getting better.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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