Age 29, Chronic Tendonitis Pain in Multiple Locations
by Kate
Hi there, I have always been very active. I ran and snowboarded competitively for many years, rode my bike, hiked, rollerbladed, practiced and became a Bikram Yoga instructor. For most of my life I was exercising 3-4 hours a day. Anyway, my pain problems started when I was 26. I had been doing a lot of repetitive shoulder work in yoga.
One day, seemingly out of the blue my L shoulder started hurting and has hurt since that day despite rest, PT and a steroid injection.
I have heard that there is nothing wrong with that shoulder. But after almost 3 years, I still cannot perform the moves I need to to do a yoga class.
I thought this was an isolated thing but then about 18 months ago I was hiking and got a sharp pain in my R hip. I ended my hike and did some stretching. The pain continued so I sought PT and eventually had an MRI and saw a surgeon.
My MRI showed a torn labrum in my R hip, bilateral subchondral bursitis, bilateral tendonosis in both hips and hamstrings. Anyway, I had a steroid injection in my R hip to see if it was the labrum causing my pain but the intraarticular injection did not help my pain so that ruled surgery out.
I saw a great PT who helped me a lot. I got strong and began doing some of my activities again but my pain returned. I did rest again and got some massage which helped so I started walking for fitness. But starting about a week ago, I am having bilateral knee pain. What gives??
I should mention that most of the time I have low-grade bilateral elbow and forearm pain. I also have a thumb and a calf that hurt most of the time. Not terrible pain, but present.
I have always eaten mostly vegetarian and a lot of salads.
I read your blog and see that my years of exercising for hours a day on oatmeal and salad have not helped me. I had a lot of bloodwork done and do not have any serious diseases and my vitamin levels, including my vit D level, are very good.
I found your blog a week ago and since then have eaten protein
at every meal (which I've never done) and have started magnesium BID (2x/day) and coconut oil. I'm also working on concocting some beef broth.
What do you think is going on? I'm 29 and I pretty much can't move at all anymore---- I have literally 10 places on my body that hurt. It has been very distressing because moving brings me so much pleasure.
Do you think dietary changes alone can help me? How long do these changes typically take?
Thank you in advance,
Joshua Answers:Hi Kate.
Sorry for the delay responding to this.
How are you doing now?
1. How much magnesium are you taking? What kind?
2. How much Vitamin D are you taking? When was the last time you got a level.
3. Aside from Vitamin D levels, I don't particularly pay attention to nutrient levels from tests, for a variety of reasons, including reliability of different kinds of tests.
4. Yes, if you were that active on oatmeal and's entirely unsurprising that your body has literally broken down. The benefits of youth last for only so long.
If you don't eat enough protein and good fat, if you're nutritionally deficient, you literally fall apart.
While you do have all the factors of
Tendonitis at play , you're WAY past tendonitis and
Pain Causing Dynamic and
Process of Inflammation.
What Is Tendonitis? )
You're literally falling apart.
At that point, it's not about 'strength', it's about nutrition and giving your body all the building blocks it needs to work properly. Once that gets taken care of, then you can start focusing on rehabilitation and getting back to activities.
And oh my, you MUST change your eating habits.
Get back to me with an update of where you're at, and we'll go from there.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's