Acute Episodes of Tenosynovitis Involving Multiple Joint Pain
by Sabrina
(Richmond VA)
I am a 48 year old female who has been experiencing the following symptoms for about 6 years now.
The onset is usually quite sudden, the time between the first pangs and full blown inflammation with intense, debilitating pain can be as little as 30 minutes. I've even gone to bed feeling fine, only to be awakened in the middle of the night with an attack that's already full blown.
Joints affected so far include my ankles and feet, knees, wrists and fingers, elbows and shoulders, and more recently, my neck.
I have been diagnosed with sero-negative R/A but every xray of my bones show them to be unaffected. I have had two surgeries on my right hand, a flexor tenosynovectomy and an extensor tenosynovectomy, because the tendons had become so inflamed that spontaneous rupture was imminent.
My orthopedists also recommend surgical intervention on a rotator cuff and another tendon in my left wrist at this time, also to avoid rupture.
I am tired of getting cut up, yet no medication seems to help other than stress-packs of methylprednisone, and those only help temporarily. I currently take 1000 mgs of Naproxen daily, and 15 mgs of methotrexate weekly, and a lot of narcotics for the pain.
These attacks usually seem random in nature, but on occasion they seem to be a response to minor injury. For example, when I had my last surgery (rt hand) they attempted to start an IV in my left wrist, the inner edge. They couldn't find the vein so ended up going elsewhere, but that needle stick caused a flare up in the tendon that pained me far longer than the surgical scars on my right hand did!
I suspect that I've been misdiagnosed with R/A, yet have had trouble locating information on chronic and acute flareups of tendonitis/tenosynovitis involving many areas of the body.
I am not an athlete, nor do I engage in any sort of repetitious activities involving these joints. Any ideas?
Joshua Answers:Holy Yikes Sabrina!
First off, slow down on the surgeries!
Maybe there's more to the story but "become so inflamed that spontaneous rupture was imminent"
doesn't make any sense to me.
Pain and inflammation doesn't equal tendon weakness.
If your tendons were actively degenerating, that that does make sense. Especially when the 'solution' was to do an '-ectomy' which cuts and damages the tendon. Why not wait for it to rupture before going in and cutting it up???
People suffering from
Levaquin Tendonitis Treatment have actual tendon DEGENERATION and tendons can rupture.
I don't think at this point that you were in any danger of your tendons rupturing.
So, I have some questions, but let me say all this first.
Tendonitis (the damage kind) and
Tenosynovitis don't show up all over the body from physical, repetitive strain issues.
You have something NUTRITIONAL going on. I'm going to have my Kerri from check in, because you need to work with her.
From what I see so far, you are DEFINITELY severely Vitamin D deficient, Gluten Intolerant, Magnesium deficient, and I bet Kerri will throw in a couple more, like adrenal fatigue.
You can have severe tendon pain from deficiency, and the auto-immune dynamic of Gluten Intolerance (and thus Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is what I assume what you meant when you said R/A).
The good news is, Vitamin D and Magnesium are cheap and easy to get levels up. Gluten Intolerance is a small food and lifestyle change, but it's not a deprivation diet AT ALL.
It could very well be that getting your Vitamin D and Magnesium levels up, and going off ALL gluten for two months, will give you HUGE relief of pain and symptoms.
Kerri will say more about that. You need to deal with her, she's the expert for what you have going on.
So, some questions.
1. Have you taken Levaquin, Cipro, or any other fluoroquinolone antibiotic?
2. Overall health and energy levels, other than the tenosynovitis and joint pain?
3. History of pain, illness, tiredness, low energy, injury?
4. Overall diet?
5. Were you totally fine before this started 6 years ago?
6. Have the surgeries helped at all? (I get SO MAD when I hear stories like yours. Shame on your surgeons!) They certainly haven't dealt with the SOURCE and CAUSE of your pain and problem. Again, shame on your doctors. :(
I have a soapbox, and I'll get on it!
I am so glad you wrote in. There absolutely is hope, and there absolutely is an answer, to get you feeling better.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
www.TendonitisExpert.comTendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's