Achilles Tendonitis Surgery two years ago, still healing.

by Bill W.

Looks like I'm the first story on here. Cool! 4 years ago I started having pain in my right Achilles Tendon, halfway between the calf and the heel. I'm a runner, so I didn't want to slow down or stop. I probably should have. 3 years ago the tendon pain got so bad I couldn't run more than half a mile, even when I took a long time to warm up.

I made myself rest for 6 months. I didn't run at all. I elevated my foot as much as I could, did upper body and upper leg strengthening at the gym, stretched my calves.

Ibuprofen and ice packs not as much as I should have.

At the end of the 6 months, I went for two short runs. The day after the end of the second run, my Achilles hurt just as bad as before!

No running was driving me crazy. I rested and tried to work back into running, thinking that it had to be healed and that I just needed to work back into it slowly. 6 months of that and it became clear it wasn't going to heal.

My doctor advised me to have surgery, so I did.

I don't know if I should have. It was another 6 months just to heal from the surgery. Now my Achilles is really tight.

It's so stiff when I wake up in the morning. It's stiff most of the day.

I can walk on it fine, but when I start to jog, it just feels so stiff that I know I should stop. I've been stretching taking it easy for the last
2 years after the surgery.

I will say though, it does hurt less than it did. And I've started hiking instead of running. It's good to do that with my kids. Happened for a reason I guess.


Joshua Answers:

Hi Bill.

The problem with Rest, as you've discovered, is that it A. doesn't work and B. wastes A LOT of time.

And while Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen can be fine to get you through the day, they are also not a fix.

Ice packs, better than nothing but not ideal.

Surgery leaves things tighter for a variety of reasons, including the post-surgery immobilization and the shortening of the Achilles tendon (depending on the surgery).

On the upside, you get to hike with your kids now. The downside being, you can't run (or predictably pain etc will build up/return).

Tendonitis is a dynamic. Its factors were in place and they are still in place.

See: What Is Tendonitis

Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.

And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Jun 09, 2021
Achilles rupture
by: Julie

I completely ruptured mine 2.5 years ago and had a boot for 16 weeks. Still having trouble and have just been referred back to orthopaedics as it’s still very weak, sometimes painful and you can clearly see where it’s ruptured.

In my own experience I initially saw a consultant who put it in a boot and never saw him again and his SHOs didn’t seem concerned so after intense physio and MSK assessment I am back to orthopaedic but under a different consultant who I have seen before and have an open appointment with due to an injury in my other foot.

I am afraid as we get older a serious injury like a RA will never completely heal without surgery.

I am going to get all the info I can regarding an operation as it’s still my decision in the end.

Good luck and hope you recover soon.


Joshua Comments:

Age doesn't particularly matter, in the sense that, when an achilles tendon (a very large structure that bears much load), just tossing it in a boot and hoping it magially will reconnect and heal back (well, or at all), is an iffy proposition.

Some things just require surgery.

Oct 24, 2020
achilles tendon removal
by: Anonymous

a friend had achilles completely removed during 2nd surgery. rampant infection. She is diabetic 66 yr old. cant pronate foot. pending brace fitting and PT. nastiest wound i have ever seen aside from war wounds. Will she ever be able to walk normally?


Joshua Comments:

If they completely removed the achilles, then it's very likely she will ever be able to walk normally. She'll need to wear a brace/boot/cast-like thing, since she won't be able to stand/walk without an achilles tendon.

Mar 06, 2020
surgery of achilles 8 months later
by: Anonymous

8 months later better but still in pain not walking correctly . 8 months of anti flamatory. I am a realtor so it has cost me so much money-cast boot not able to drive for months. I wish I had never had this surgery. Still going to pt but honestly I feel like giving up. I don't think I will ever be right again.


Joshua Comments:

How significant of a surgery was done?

Aug 18, 2019
Is surgery the only option?
by: Mary

I'm an avid runner, been doing triathlons and marathons the last 10 years and never really had an issue with injury until last December.

I've been dealing with chronic insertional achilles tendinitis for 9 months now.

I've tried rest, PT, shockwave therapy, gait analysis, acupuncture, cupping, massage, etc and still feel some tightness near the insertion.

I have been told I have bone spurs that are aggravating the tendon every time I run. I don't understand why I suddenly have this problem as the last 10 years have been injury-free.

I have apparently exhausted all conservative therapy and surgery has been recommended. Does this seem like a logical next step or is there additional conservative therapy that I can implement to get me back to trail running again?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Mary.

1. It didn't 'suddenly' occur. THe negatives in the dynamic have been building up over time, your body has done it's best, but your body lost the battle and suddenly started telling you about it.

The 'suddenly' thing is a very common perception of how things work. But for people in your's primarily always an issue of things building up over time, instead of 'everything is awesome and suddenly there's pain'.

2. I'm not a fan of surgery unless there's a rip/tear injury OR if a bone spur is ACTUALLY rubbing on and damaging the achilles tendon.

Bone spurs get a lot of blame that they don't deserve.

3. You've tried the common doctor and pt approved tools. They have a very limited tool box. They use those tools no matter what. If they don't work, well, it MUST be something that only surgery can fix, right?

Not so much. Far too many people get surgery they only thought they needed.

4. So MAYBE your bone spur is a problem, IF it is digging into the tendon.

I assert that the larger problem is the dynamic that is causing the bone spur to grow in the first place...the same dynamic that causes all sorts of other pain and problem.

That problem is the tendonitis dynamic. I say dynamic becase there are a few factors all working together to cause a decreased ability for your muscles to work correctly, thus not absorbing force like they should be, and that force has to go somewhere....and that is a main reason that bone spurs form (too much force applied where it shouldn't be so the body tries to make itself stronger).

And, if you get surgery and the bone spur is removed (which may or may not be necessary I don't know), those same factors will still be maybe after 6-12+ months of 'healing' you'll be able to get back on the trail...and maybe you'll be able to stay on the trail for weeks or months or even years, I don't know...but those same factors will be conspiring together to move you quickly or slowly down the downward spiral.

Jul 19, 2019
Haglunds , bursitis
by: Sharon


I had surgery Feb 2018 for removal of a Haglunds and bursitis, there was no calcification found in the tendon and it was not detached.

I have a scar that runs round my heel from right to left - it looks pretty good as it blends in with the creases in your ankle.

I still have pain and stiffness in the morning but I am back running three times a week and cycling and swimming and yoga - I try to stretch it every day and have massages on it twice a month to keep breaking the scar tissue down. I ice it three times a week.

I now only do one speed session per week and never run consecutive days anymore - I does concern me that I’m 18 months post op and still getting pain but I’m back doing what I love doing - triathlon.
I do get concerned the pain will never fully go away but the doc said at least 2 years healing time so there’s hope yet.

I am hopeful it will fully heal and be pain free one day and wary at the same time that I’m doing it more harm than good but I’m not a person to sit and mope about so I hope this post brings a bit of light to some people.



Joshua Comments:

Hi Sharon.

Did the surgeon remove the bursa (presumably between heel and achilles tendon)?

If so, that's problematic, as you no longer have the shock and friction absorber that was the bursa.

So the tendon is riding/rubbing right on the heel bone. Maybe some padding will grow back, we'll see.

Also the bone spur was removed,and injury to bone is painful and takes a long time to fade away. Two years isn't out of the question at all.

I'd get more massage done, and I'd do a lot more icing. The cause of the 'need' for surgery was too tight muscles and connective tissue in the lower leg, and for the most part (chances are high) that tightness etc is all still there.

Mar 19, 2019
Two Surgeries
by: Tim

I've had both of my Achilles worked on in the last three years. I got where I could not walk. I went to see the doctor and he sent me home to think about if I wanted surgery because it would be life changing.

After a week, I went back to see him and had the left foot operated on the following day. Recover fast and very well but I did exactly what he said. A year and half later I had the right foot done. I recover well from it but it was a little more challenge because of it being my driving foot. Now a year later I am able to walk free without pain plus I can walk barefoot with no problem. I am very cautious about what I do and how I run and play around considering I am 52 years old. I found tennis shoes with a soft back where it will not pull on my Achilles heel was the best while recovering.

Sep 22, 2018
Pain still present!
by: JoeyC

I had a large calcaneal spur at the back of my heel and insertional Achilles tendinitis.

I had the surgery five months ago ...grinding off the spur and reattaching the Achilles.

I did all of the protocol my doctor recommended... two casts with no weight-bearing for 10 weeks, then a big boot for a month, increasing body weight and In-home physical therapy.

Started physical therapy at a facility and things seem to be getting better. They used that painful tool to help with the scar tissue, stretching, ultra sound, massage, etc.

There was still a bump on the back of my heel.

Slowly, PT was becoming more painful (still can’t bend my big toe but I figure that comes with the territory) each time I would go to my appointment.

Religiously I did the exercises at home every day and obviously iced afterwards. My last appointment involved me telling the doctor how painful it was again.

He suggested that I go back into the boot for another month, do the at home exercises, and ice it. It hurts ALL of the time when walking in the boot and the minimal stretching exercises hurt as well.

I used to be active and now I am afraid I never will be again. Is this ever going to get better? The doctor said the surgery cannot be repeated.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Joey.

What doctors never tell you about surgery or casting (immobilization) is that the body doesn't like those things and responds poorly. Depending on your scenrio you'll 'get better' or 'get worse'.

If you get worse, well, doctors just have no clue and no interesting in finding a clue.

Unfortunately, surgery comes with various downsides and is not the magical last resort that is guaranteed to save the day (as you, unfortunately, are learning).


Can't bend the big toe? Presuming there's no nerve damage (nerve fiber nicked or severed during surgery), it can't move because the muscle is so tight it can't contract more (basically).

What happens during immobilization (casting)? Muscles don't lengthen and shorten (as they would from movement, so muscles basically just get tighter...and then connective tissue shrink wraps down. So you're stuck tight.

Plus you have pain enhancing chemical from surgery (causing pain and more tightness), and that's all eating up nutrition (that you were short on even before surgery), etc.

It's downhill from there. Or at least, the body has a really hard time getting better all by itself.

Sep 04, 2018
Achilles Tendon with FHL Taransfer
by: Randy S

Hi eveyone,
In December 2016 I had a second Achilles tendon debridgement surgery on my left foot, after the first one in early 2015 did not take. This time around I had an FHL transfer performed which I would highly recommend if needed, I literally have no more pain and seem to be completely back to normal except for one thing.

I was told after surgery I would not be able to bend my big toe again. Unfortunately I am not able to bend any toes on that foot anymore. Has anyone here ever had a similar situation to report. I am hoping in due time it will come back, but its been 21 months.

Aug 29, 2018
Achilles tendon rupture on both feet
by: Anonymous

Hi, I ruptured my right foot Achilles tendon whilst playing tennis 17 months ago and was in a cast then walking boot for recovery which all went well with physiotherapy etc

last week I ruptured the left foot achillies when i was about to take off to run and now in a cast for 2 weeks then will be put in a boot again for another few weeks then physiotherapy thereafter.

Any ideas why this could happen on both feet? I am on iron tablets but not antibiotics.



Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

Before I answer...partial rupture (if so, how big) or complete rupture on one and both sides?

Aug 14, 2018
7 months after surgery
by: Kim

Hi,I tore my achilles tendon and had surgery on it in Jan..I'm still having problems with stays swollen..hurts all the time and at night my whole foot and ankle goes numb and tingle feeling...

I can't run and walking still is I suppose to have these problems still? How long does this recovery last?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Kim.

Well, everybody is their own unique situation. Your recovery is definitely going to be more than 7 months.

The big problem, that your doctor won't tell you about (because s/he doesn't know) is that all the factors involved in the achilles tendon tearing are still present and doing 'bad things'. In which case, yes you are supposed to still have the problems you're experiencing.

If all that was involved was a tear, then sure a surgery to reconnect it would be painful but you'd heal. But there's much more involved than that, which surgery ignores and can easily make worse.

Read this entire thread and the pages that it links to. Then come back with questions.

Jun 25, 2018
still sore achilles
by: Tara

Hi, I tore my Achilles at the end of last summer. Partial tear. Went to PT. Stretched & strengthened calf muscles. Thought it was better. Slowly added running time -- I'd walk for 5 mins, run for 1. Then walk for 5 mins, run for 2. Then walk 3, run 2. Everything seemed fine. Then I walked "the hills of Pittsburgh" and it hurt all over again. As I was trying to rest it (no biking, no yoga, only swimming) it was doing better. I started riding my bike with my foot pointed down on the pedal. Everything seemed fine. Again. Still no running. Then one day I added a little bit of running - short steps just for 2 minutes. Now it hurts all over again. I am so upset about this. What can I do, and what should I definitely not do?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Tara.

Well since you're already upset, I'll go ahead and add a little fuel to that fire: 'stretching and strengthening' when you have a partial tear is a pretty dumb thing for your PT to waste your time on. It 100% ignores the causes of the tear (which are still in place....what did they think was going on in there...that you just magically got a tear for no physciological reason?).

Anyhoo, I have opinions about all that, but on to your question.

You should definitely not waste time:

- resting See: Rest

- get on the 'stretching and strengthening' trainwreck

- immobilize That's like rest, but worse

Before I say what you should do, how big is the tear, and where is the tear? You'll have to (well, should) do I what I tell you to do regardless, but depending on the size of the tear surgery may be a smart idea (depending on your age, how active you want to be, etc).

Jun 10, 2018
14 months after tendon transfer surgery
by: Mari

I had been in pain for 2yrs did all sorts of treatments and physical therapy.

Tried topaz procedure first.

5 months later had full tendon transfer surgery left foot. Recovery took the full year.

I was feeling really good walking, hiking and then I wasn’t I am all of sudden in pain again swelling is back. I am so upset. Didn’t do anything different.

I am now doing ionto patches (think that is what they are called). No relief getting worse. I am so upset.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Mari.

Iontophoresis patches, yes.

Unfortunately, the surgery may 'fix' the tendon attachment/connection, but it totally ignores all the factors that caused the tendon issue in the first place.

So with the 'new' tendon, all those forces are still in play, and thus causing 'new' pain/problem.

Patches aren't going to fix anything.

Reversing the factors (the tendonitis dynamic: too tight muscle and connective tissue, chronic inflammation, and nutritional lack) can/will.

Apr 18, 2018
Swelling 8 months after surgery
by: Anonymous

I had Achilles debridement/calcaneal excision and release of gastroc 8 months ago and still have swelling in ankle and lower part of leg after working all day.

I do a lot of standing at work. Has any one else had swelling this far out?

Apr 10, 2018
No longer limping
by: Anonymous

I don't take glucosamine chondroitin for my ankle tendonitis. I'm in my 3rd year of recovery and this year made a marked improvement. No more limping, less stiffness and returned to swimming, diving. I'll be 70 this year.

My "medicine" is Chinese beef stew which is actually beef tendon cooked with allspice in a claypot. I found a Chinese restaurant that prepares it deliciously. I believe the eating the beef tendon (which is cartilage stewed to a delicious softness) helped unlock the stiff ankle joint.

In surgery, a large tendon was scraped and removed. The existing tendon was pulled down like a window shade and tacked with a screw into my heel.

The scar was angry looking for 2 years but this year, the scar is less noticeable and the happy thing is that I can walk again. Chinese beef stew! Look it up and hope you find this on your local Chinese menu. Blessings!

Apr 09, 2018
by: Laura

Had my surgery 2 years ago.can barely walk in the morning can't run basketball is a no go mountain climbing is out can't paraglide no more and riding my horse has its challenges my toes are numb and pins and needles still painfully at Achilles and up to the calf should of just learned to live with the pain I was in .

Nov 18, 2017
British champion achieved with a snapped achilles tendon
by: Rayne

The first time I even noticed my left calf was really hurting was the night before. I was a gymnast and was in bed after an evenings training.

The following day, it must have been ok because I went to work as usual and that evening, whilst having a snack before training, I remember giving some thought to it hurting the previous evening, but I simply thought it was one of the many aches and pains I was used to as a sportswoman.

That night, well in to my training session, I landed from a great height and BANG. My left tendon had snapped. People literally ducked, it was so loud that they thought someone had fired a gun! I have to say that the pain was unbelievable. I put it right up there with childbirth!

I don't think we had anyone who was that up on first aid, it was the 70's and I'm not sure Health and Safety was a major concern. I went to hospital with a floppy ankle and snapped Achilles was diagnosed.

I had surgery the following day and woke up with that warm throbbing ache in the area.
At that time, I remember being terrified of needles and having had one for the anaesthetic I couldn't face another one for killing pain.

As the pain became so severe that I swear I couldn't even remember my own name, I caved and asked for pain killers. When they simply brought me two small tablets and some water I wished I'd asked sooner!

I was in a plaster cast for about three months, the cast was remade a couple of times to shorten the angle of my ankle and for the tendon to stretch. I had a heel on the second two casts so I could walk.

I still trained as much as I could and somewhere I have a picture of me doing a handstand on the arms of my acrobatics partner as he is standing up arms outstretched in a plaster cast. I had to change my centre of gravity to make allowances for the weight of the cast.

For some reason, I was terrified of the cutter they use to remove the cast. It looked like a pizza cutter and I was sure it was going to cut right in to my scar. It didn't but my leg looked disastrous anyway.

I had lost my muscle in my calf and the scar looked vile but rather interesting. I actually rather liked it, I don't know why!

It was sore to walk on but I was determined. I probably started training on it too early but I was young and restless. Today, I'd relish an opportunity to be told to put my feet up and do nothing and probably milk it but then, I really wanted to get going. Less than 6 months later I won the British Championships so I reckon I healed up rather nicely!

I did it when I was 21 and I'm 57 now and my left calf is still much slimmer than my right one but ironically it has way more rom. I don't have any problems with it but 15 years ago when I tried martial arts, I thought the right one was about to go. It didn't and If I'm honest, I was a bit miffed because I really wanted a few weeks off work!


Joshua Comments:

WOW! Rock on!

The human body amazes me...that it can break like that and then still be able to win a national (any level, really) championship.

And kudos to the will and drive it took to accomplish that and push through what you had to push though.


Sep 19, 2017
7 weeks post op
by: AnonymousLisa

I’m 55, female average condition, had surgery 8/1/17 for chronic Achilles’ tendon tear which I nursed for about 8 years finally could no longer walk/stand for ANY LENGTH of time.

I’ve worked on my feet for 37 years in medical field. I knew what this all meant, that is "why" I put this off for sooo long. The surgery done was; Aggressive debridement w/FHL tendon transfer Left foot. Yes it is every bit as awful as I had imagined and worse! COMPLETE STRICT NON WEIGHT BEARING while 6 weeks in cast & now continue non-wt bearing til at 90 degrees.

Started at -35 last week was my 1st wk of PT. Wound in healing well, foot tender & swollen, normal & will be for awhile says PT. I have a long ways to go, but continuously doing ROM exercises while sitting on couch basically all day long.

I purchased knee scooter which has been a life saver. Get a hospital grade knee scooter which is durable. I bought a cheap Walmart one 4 mo ago but wheel broke.

You DO NOT WANT TO FALL, so just bite the bullet & shell out the $600.00 for the heavy duty one. You need it for EVERYTHING from getting up off a chair, to getting to the bathroom safely. I have 2sets of stairs in my house… CAN NOT DO STAIRS, CAN NOT GET UP OFF FLOOR USING ONLY ONE LEG IT’S IMPOSSIBLE!!! You really need upper body & leg strength!!!

I have been sleeping on couch for 7 weeks! Awful!! And, no shower too as it’s all upstairs!!!

Doing "bird-baths" & washing my hair in kitchen sink… this has been awful...I bought a bedside Commode to put the cage around my downstairs toilet, to make it tall...much easier getting up/down on ONE LEG!!!

I just hope THIS ALL WORKS!!! Very slow process!!!

O M Gawddddddd!!!!! Day after surgery I started doing Weight-Watchers points tracking & low carb intake as I DO NOT WANT TO GAIN WEIGHT while being sooo SEDENTARY!...I’ve lost 5 lbs in 7 weeks BEING SEDENTARY ON THE COUCH PRETTY MUCH ALL DAY!!!

I have trouble losing weight even BEFORE surgery, so this is good! I have good days, and bad days when I’m feeling disparity & hostage to my house! SERIOUSLY!!! I have stairs everywhere!!!! :(

I can not leave my house UN-ASSISTED!!!

My wonderful husband has picked up the slack for just about everything chore wise. I can do lite chores like fold clothes, anything that doesn’t require standing on 2 feet!!! And I am NOT a sissy!! This has been awful & I still have many weeks to go!!!

I am a very independent person who really hates to ask for help!!!

This is what you get for being active...torn Achilles’ tendon!!! Awful!!!!!

Jul 10, 2017
Help please!
by: em9201

I had tendonitis when I was about 14, and when I was 18 developed Haglund's Deformity.

I treated it with shoe inserts and about a year later it returned. I had surgery to remove it (about 5 years ago now).

I no longer have bone spur-like pain, but I have a lot of scar tissue. So much that I can barely wear the same size shoes. My achilles is still tight and painful when I walk more than a mile and I have had two bouts of plantar fasciitis in two different parts of the foot in the past 3 months.

Are these things related? Is there anything I can do about 5 year old scar tissue?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Em.

Those things are very related.

1. If you had tendonitis at 14 that points to long term nutritional insufficiency/deficiency. Your body didn't have what it needs to work correctly. Thus you started to have tendonitis symptoms.

2. That means that your muscles weren't working correctly. So they weren't absorbing force like they're supposed to. So when you stood and walked, the bone took force the muscles were supposed to be absorbing, and the bone grew to become 'stronger'.

Not smart, but that's what it does.

3. Surgery removed bone (and messed up your achilles if it was detached?), scar tissue formed, and your recovery was on top of not enough nutrition in your body (thus not able to recover/work properly).

4. There's not a lot you can do about 5 year old scar tissue. You can massage it and make it more 'gummy' instead of 'dry and crunchy' like it is now. That's worth a lot.

But it's not going to go away short of more surgery to remove it.

5. But what you can do is get your body replete with nutrition, and do the mechanical self care to get your lower legs back in working condition.

That's a fair amount of detailed 'how to', and it's all in Reversing Achilles Tendonitis.

More questions, more answers.

Jun 21, 2017
As good as it gets sucks to be me
by: Lauta

Had debriment a year ago. A very active person health conscious still wake up in pain as well as going to bed one side of leg is numb pins and needles at all times entire foot including toes .

Swelling from mid day on ....

Jun 14, 2017
7 months post op Haglunds spur and cleanup
by: Anonymous

Hello fellow sufferers/recoverers.
My job of 15 years standing and walking up to 9 miles a day on concrete, up and down stairs and ladders carrying heavy objects etc,eventually caused a calcified bone spur that was poking into my achilles.

Xrays and an MRI confirmed Haglunds and large spur. Had surgery to remove Haglunds and inflamed bursa, but did not have achilles detached. The surgeon went in from the side and made about a 4 inch incision. He removed the Haglunds spur, then had to split the tendon to access the spur that was stuck in the tendon. He said he had to dig it out which thinned the tendon a bit. He also removed about 4mm of calcified tendon from the attachment.

He stiched up the tendon and sheath, closed the incision, stapled it closed and sent me home in a boot. NWB for two weeks until staples removed, then allowed PWB and light TOM out of boot while lying in bed. Started Pysio at 6 weeks to strengthen achilles and Work on ROM. Returned to work light duty on knee scooter for 6 weeks and wearing boot with FWB.

I am now 7 month post op, still having some stiffness and intermittent pain and swelling after working all day. Wearing certain shoes aggravate my heal and although the painful spur is gone, I still have some pain and swelling. I can do single heel raises on operated foot, and and slowly working on strengthenin my achilles and calves. I stretch several times a day at work. It does seem to loosen things up enough to walk without constant pain.

My surgeon says a year even for a "cleanup" Haglunds spur bursitis issue takes a long time, and some people even can take 18 months....or longer, depending on age, health, etc.

Right now I am taking Bulletproof Collagen, Vitamins A, B6, B12, 2000mg C,etc, and 1000mg of Magnesium, and Turmeric. I eat tons of avocados and bananas.

I don't know if I will ever be 100% but I am working hard every day trying to be as pain free and active as I can. I am 61 years old and really do not want to endure another surgery and recovery process.

I think I'll order " Reversing Achilles Tedonitis" as I think it will help with my long and short term goals for recovery.

Good luck to all!


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

Getting and starting working with Reversing Achilles Tendonitis is a great idea.

"...and some people can even take 18 months...' is a function of 'let's do some surgery and hope you revover'.

That's how the surgery world works, unfortunately.

Sometimes surgery is necessary, but 7-18 month recovery period based on hope, as opposed to recovery with active and effective selfcare, is....crazy, in my opinion.

You're doing some good things nutritionally, which we can refine and improve. You're not doing a few other things that will greatly speed up/allow for a fuller and faster recovery.

Jun 13, 2017
Not healed from achilles surgery 8 months later
by: Anonymous

I had Achilles tendon surgery 8 months. Argyle and I'm still healing still.

Have a knot on my heel and stitches still sticking out the Dr. Keep saying I'm fine but I don't think so went to pt for six months is still not healed

Don't know what to do.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

You still have stitches in 8 months after surgery??

May 31, 2017
How long does it REALLY take to heal after surgery?
by: Val

Hi, I had foot surgery on 12/30/16 - I had a bone spur shaved down and had the Achilles tendon re-attached with a screw.

It has been almost 6 months out and I still have numbness on the bottom of my foot as well as some of my toes, where the scar is on on my heel has a few very sore spots that hurt just to touch and of course occasional swelling - I feel like this is never going to heal - is this normal the numbness and soreness?

I know (mentally) this is a long long process to heal but I am concerned if these issues will go away. Would you say it would take a full year or more to be at 85% better? I appreciate any thoughts you can share...

Thank you..


Joshua Comments:

Unfortunately, it is 'normal' go have the symptoms you describe 6 months (and more) after surgery on the feet including bone spur removal and achilles tendon reattachement (which is not a small procedure).

And it's tough to make predictions on timing...because there is no 'everything will be perfect in X months'...because that's not how the body works.

If you step on a nail, sure, you should be good as new in a few weeks.

But there are A LOT of factors involved in both the surgery you had done, the physical scenario that built up to 'needing' surgery, and the body's response post surgery.

We assume, and doctors generally tell us, that we'll be 'fine' after we 'heal'. But that's a bad thing to tell someone, in my opinion.

What self care are you doing? That's a far more helpful question to ask, because the answers FAR more determine your outcomes than leaving 'healing' to time and chance.

May 08, 2017
Haglunds Deformity
by: Jim

Had surgery on my right foot 1 1/2 years ago and on the left 1 year 4 months ago. I still can only jog about 15-20 minutes and then it hurts for about 3 days after.

Will the pain ever go away?

Will I be able to run any distance again with no pain?

My strength is close to being the same as pre-operation.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Jim.

You had bone removed. A year and a half isn't that long a time for such an injury.

So there's that.

And, one problem with surgery is that it ignores the causes of the problems it's trying to fix.

Haglunds formation doesn't just happen for no reason.

Point being, your strength is back (good) but you still have tightness of muscle and connective tissue in the lower legs that is impeding optimal function, and almost certainly lack of specific nutrition muscles need to perform correctly/optimally (including relaxation and recovery).

Apr 09, 2017
Insertiaonal Achilles Tendonosis and Calcification...2 months post surgery
by: Anne

I had the tendon removed, bone spurs removed and shaved some calcified tendon 2 months ago.

I am now in the boot with my foot in a neutral position .

I have terrific pain on the bottom of my heel when walking, like stepping on a stone every time and my knee is extremely weak and sore.

I know I am still early in the healing process, but the pain walking in the boot is daunting.

I assumed it might be some plantar pain due to my foot being pointed down for so long and the knee weak from disuse for 2 months. There is stinging and tightness around the incision site, that I assumed was normal, but the bottom of the heel is unexpected.

Are these normal for this stage of recovery?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anne.

That's only two months out from major invasive surgery to a weight bearing structure.

I'm not surprised by your symptoms at two months out.

And if you've been doing the usual self care, I'm again not surprised by your symptoms at two months (immobilization, lack of nutritional support, etc).

Which tendon was removed? (Why did they remove it?)

Mar 20, 2017
I really don't thing my achilles surgery worked
by: Jane


After an unknown injury to my Achilles and approx 1 year of physio I saw a specialist who recommended surgery. Details of the procedure are:

Enthesophyte over the tendoachilles measured 3.6 x 0.8mm and was excised. Some degenerate tendon attached to this was excised.

A midline incision over the tendoachilles insertion taken down onto the tendoachilles, the enthesophyte was defined and removed. Degenerate tendon was excised.

Since the operation nearly a year ago I have continued with physio but I am still having pain, tightening, cramps and spasms on the heal and up the calf on the achilles tendon. Nothing seems to work and I am booked in to see the specialist again but unsure what the possible outcome will be.

All in all I have had maybe a month where there has been no paid or tightening. I don't know if the surgeon missed something or if its another issue but I do know I am sooo feed up with the situation. :(


Joshua Comments:

Hi Jane.

Maybe your surgeon 'missed' something, but that implies that there was something in there a surgeon could do something to to make everything better with no repercussions.

That's not really how surgery works.

Even in a perfect surgery scenario, things don't just go back to as good as new.

The body is already hurting, and then surgery traumatizes it some more.

The brain does not like that, and kicks in (more) tightness and (more) inflammation. And all that uses up (more) nutrition that your body needs to function properly.

So you were almost certainly already too tight, had chronic inflammation, and were short on nutrition.

And you're still tight (tighter than you were), still have inflammation (that pumps out chemical that makes you more sensitive to pain), and still are short on nutrition (so your body can't function properly).

Unfortunately, doctors don't pay any attention to these three (super important) factors. Nor do PT's, really.

And thus, you're still in pain.

Presuming the surgeon didn't do anything permanently damaging in there, you should be able to get back to (at least mostly) pain free and functional.

To get pain free and functional, you have to reverse the tightness, inflammation, and nutritional insufficiency (the 'how to' is in the Reversing Achilles Tendonitis program).

Mar 05, 2017
Double Achilles tendinitis haglund deformity surgery
by: Sandy B.

I had been suffering with pain for 8 years on both feet. Last summer I went to D.C. And could hardly walk.

I got home and went to an orthopedic surgeon. He X-rayed my feet and told me I could keep putting a bandage on it or fix them.

I said let's fix them. Went in on August 5 for the first Foot. He had to totally remove tendon take off bone spur and reattached with screws.

On December 16 2016 had right foot done. It was a mirror image of left foot.

Now I am 4 weeks post op.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Sandy.

How are you feeling nowadays?

What have you been doing for post-surgery self care?

Feb 22, 2017
Two achilles ruptures and Tendon Transfer
by: Vickie

Hi. Sorry for the delay in my response to your questions. No antibodic usage and no other health issues. When I fell with the right injury I am sure I touched down with my left foot still in the surgical cast.

Dealt with tendinitis for years but was able to remain active and relative pain free.

I am now 11 months post op on the right side. No pain just stiffness. Can't do a single toe raise with only that foot but finally can raise up on my toes with both feet -a little.

I am 6 months post op on the left side after the second surgery -tendon transfer - 11 months after the first surgery. Still have a lot of pain and swelling.

My daily goal is 5000 steps which I hit about 80% of the time. I have lots of cramping in the foot and it is super tight. I walk with a pronounced limp and my gait has definitely changed.

I have pain in my right knee and hip and a callus in the inside edge of my right heel.

I see the OS tomorrow. Fingers crossed.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Vickie.

No worry on the delay...the internet is timeless. When a reply shows up here in front of me, I deal with it. I'm never holding my breath. :)


No fluoroquinolones, good.

Tightness and lack of function...not so good.

So. Why tightness?


A. You had tightness before the rupture, which is basically what caused the rupture (tight muscles don't absorb force properly, and that force has to go somewhere....)

B. You're tighter now that you were before the rupture, for various reasons including the reattachment shortened the entire structure...and now it's overstretched and too tight and and and.

Why lack of function?


A. The tighter a muscle is, the less strength potential it has

B. The tighter a muscle is (especially with a reattached injured tendon) the more 'danger' signal gets sent to the brain, and the brain won't let you do something that might injure you (basically). So when you're trying to lift up onto your toes, there are various factors saying 'Oh...hell no'.

Plus chronic inflammation and swelling (and the reasons why that's happening). Plus nutritional insufficiency/deficiency.

None of which your doctors or PT's etc have talked/will talk to you about.

I'd say it's time to get to work on some effective rehab. Of course I suggest the Reversing Achilles Tendonitis program.

It's not titled - Recovering From Achilles Reattachment Surgery - but for where you're at, it could be.

Feb 22, 2017
by: Anonymous

I had 2 partial tears and had a complete reattachment plus 2 bone spurs in my left foot. I also have the same exact thing wrong with my right foot. I had the surgery on the left.

I will not have the surgery on the right recovery time is never ending. I have my husbands insurance so it paid for it. I also tried PRP on both my feet and that I had to pay out of pocket.

That did not work either.

Feb 21, 2017
Pain and torn achilles from standing at work
by: Anonymous

I tore my Achilles by standing for a living for 25 years 5 days a week 8 hrs a day I was a cashier at Costco.


Joshua Comments:

Hi AnonyCo.

How's their insurance?

Total achilles rupture, or partial?

Getting surgery to reattach it?

Feb 21, 2017
Pain after full reattachment surgery with screw in it
by: Anonymous

Hi I had a full repair surgery on my left Achilles' tendon I even have a screw in it.

I did everything the doctor said PT for 3 months.

It has been 8 months and I still feel the pain in my tendon. If I stand or walk for to long it hurts even when I touch it.

The scar where the cut is is fine it's the tendon that still hurts.

Is this normal it's been 8 months.

I had to quit my job due to me having to stand for a living please help.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

Pain 8 months later is common. The tendon was reattached, but that doesn't mean that everything returns to as good as new.

How/why did your achilles tendon rupture?

Jan 13, 2017
Self Care?
by: Lynn

So you asked what am I doing for self care post achilles tenodesis at 8 weeks..
(History: tendon pulled off calcaneous 11/17 and was surgically reattached, prior tightness for 2 years)
Supplements:mag glycinate, vit c, bromelain, collagen, vit D, calcium
Off feet except 16 hrs/ week working in cam boot
KT Tape
Compression sock
Hydrogel to 1/2" of the incision that was infected and is now healing
No PT yet as at 7 weeks it felt like duct tape pulling off bone as if tendon was not ywt adhered.

What else can I do????
Thank you!!!!


Joshua Comments:

As soon as you can safely have a bare foot, start ice dipping. 10-20 second dips. A lot of them.

Bromelain on an empty stomach only, or it will just digest your food.

Jan 11, 2017
Two achilles ruptures and Tendon Transfer
by: Vickie

Hi. I ruptured my left Achilles and had surgery to repair and remove heel spur in March 2016.

Five days later, in a cast, while stepping up a curb with crutches, my right Achilles ruptured.

Had surgery 12 days later. In two casts and then two walking boots until July.

Started PT 3 days a week in April. Right side progressed while left side did not. Ortho and PT said to keep working - all was normal.

Started walking without boots in July and by the beginning of August, left side was getting worse, swollen, bruising and very painful.

A new MRI showed a complete rupture.

Ortho feels it was ruptured when the right one did in March but since it was in a cast we were not aware. Long story short, had Tendon transfer on left side at the end of August. Casts and walking boot until beginning of December.

Back to PT - right side is good but left side is tight and sore. How long until I can expect the left Achilles to ease up? Balance is getting better but still an issue. Very tired but definitely glad to be walking on my own.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Vickie.

Wow, that sounds like a terrible ordeal.

How long until things 'ease up'?

I don't know, no way to tell. More importantly, tendons don't just rupture out of the blue, so you had a serious lack of health/functionality before this started.

1. Have you taken any fluoroquinolone antibiotics like Levaquin or Cipro or anything ending in -floxacin?

2. Any other health issues?

3. When you were going up the stairs and your right achilles ruptured, did you come down hard on the left side, such that it would have tore the sutures/staples due to the sudden bodyweight?

4. Give me an idea of what things looked like pre-rupture.

Jan 11, 2017
Surgery Recovery after achilles tore off bone
by: Lynn

Injury was 11/17/2016, surgery 11/22. Waking up was surprisingly unpleasant, stayed medicated about 4 weeks with foot elevated.

Casted 3 weeks, then cam boot with crutches/ knee walker. Just given okay to try walking in cam boot without crutches.

The minions with sparklers in there have finally ceased at night and I can sleep! I am not sure though if it is reattaching well or not to the bone- feels like sticky tape being pulled off the bone sometimes.

Perhaps I have limped around on it too much. ..???

Always keeping it at 90+ degrees.]


Joshua Comments:

Hi Lynn.

Elevation is good to reduce swelling etc.

Unfortunately, there's no way to tell if it's reattaching well or not...short of another MRI, and it's unlikely a doctor is going to order one of those unless you, for instance, fell down on your foot and think you tore it loose and are in extreme pain.

What if any self care have you been doing, aside from keeping the foot/leg elevated?

Dec 12, 2016
Achilles Tendon Surgery 10months post op
by: Matthew C.

Had my ATR 10 months back. Still stiff and tight especially walking bare footed on hard ground.

Started to jog a bit and able to clock 2-3km at a moderate pace.

Went gym and swimming at moderate pace but a little worried about my progression on the recovery as it is usually very tight and standing for too long while shopping may cause some sharp pain to my AT.

I am not sure how my progression is on the recovery and I am getting very worried.

Please advice how much should I be doing and should I be pushing my self hard to stretch? or should I be resting more at this period.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Matthew.

Rest doesn't do much of anything for tightness.

You had tightness before the surgery, tightness is what caused the 'need' for surgery, and tightness is still present.

My general response is that multiple factors caused the need for surgery, and those factors are still in place post-surgery.

So, should you stretch more? Probably, but that ignores the other two factors, and isn't even particularly effective at reversing the tightness factor...especially if you've been stretching and you're still stuck tight.

I'm sure like most surgery recipients, you didn't get much advise for after surgery self care. I recommend my Reversing Achilles Tendonitis program (see the link in this thread), as it shows you how to reverse the primary factors that are keeping you tight and in pain, etc.

Just stretching isn't likely to get you the results you want. Rest absolutely won't.

If you want to get rid of tightness, you have to counter factors causing the tightness (which stretching does not).

Sorry, I'm kind of repeating myself there, but it's the kind of thing that needs repeating.

Having said that, jogging 2-3km at 10 months post achilles tendon reattachment surgery isn't bad. It's not great obviously, and I think you have a sense that there's still a problem/threat in play, but where you're at isn't terrible at 10 months.

I of course can't predict where you'll be in another 5 or 10 months, but I know for a fact you can speedup your recovery time, and recovery quality if you do the right things.

Nov 12, 2016
by: Susan

On May 31 2016 I hand Ankle Spur Surgery on third month I started PT for a month I still felt pain and swelling had a appointment with the doctor.

I told him what I felt he told me he couldn't give me no more time off and sent me back to work September 6 full duty.

So attend to work talk to HR told her what I felt and the Union also they see my foot they couldn't believe that the doctor release me for full duty.

So making my story short I seen my family doctor and seen my foot and he went ahead got me second opinion doctor he send me for MRI and he found I had Fractured Tendons now remember I mentioned I told my doctor I had pain and swelling and ankle foot weak I don't know what happened in surgery but something did.

Nov 06, 2016
FHL tendon transfer due on third achilles surgery
by: Lori

Hello, I'm just a week away from having my 3rd Achilles surgery, an FHL tendon transfer.

My 1st was 21 months ago where they removed my Achilles to cut out the bone remove the bursa and remove unhealthy tendon. My 2nd surgery was to remove a bone spur.

After my second surgery my pain was better, but still having many issues. Come to find out that my first surgery caused me to have CRPS/RSD. This is a very annoying disease.

My concern is that all this pain may be my CRPS and not a mechanical issue. I have good days and bad days when it comes to be able to walk normal.

Is there anyway to be sure? I'm really nervous to have another surgery and possibly make things worse.

But, I also want to get better and live my life. What is my best option?? I need some clarity.



Joshua Comments:

Hi Lori.

That is a very valid concern.

1. CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) isn't a disease. It's (basically) your body's inability to function properly due to (basically) nutritional insufficiency (and pain/trauma). may not even have that. You just may have high levels of ongoing chronic pain from the trauma done to you by the surgery(s).

Removing bone (bone spur) and bursa is a MAJOR trauma to a load bearing structure(s) of your foot. It's not particularly surprising you still hurt and can't function very well almost two years later.

I'm not saying you do or don't, I'm just saying that you may not actually have CRPS.

2. Doctors are clueless as to what CRPS is and why you have it.

They also for some reason they can remove various body parts and everything will work just as good in a few months as it did before they removed said necessary body parts.

3. I personally wouldn't get another surgery if you're suffering from CRPS....your body won't (probably won't, most likely won't) handle the new trauma of surgery very well.

That your doctors are goign to do surgery when you have complaints of CRPS....that's...we'll...that's unfortunately not surprising.

If you don't have CRPS, and you just hurt a lot, I still wouldn't get another surgery unless doctors gave you a money back guarantee and promise of reimbursement if the surgery doesn't fix the problem.

At the very least they should be able to tell you what's wrong that another surgery will fix...(and let me know what they say, I can probably point out why they're wrong).

4. No, unfortunately there's no way to be sure whether it's the CRPS.

But, there are questions to exactly is this next surgery going to fix? What exactly is causing the problem...and how exactly is surgery going to fix it?

How is an FHL transfer going to magically fix anything? (Maybe it will, maybe it won't, but the first two didn't....)

See: Quiz Your Doctor

5. Another surgery is going to add a large amount of trauma to your body. Do you feel like your body is going to be able to handle that?

6. They removed the bursa (??). So now what tendon you do have is right over bone. Now it's not a question of getting back to perfect, it's a question of how good can you get?

7. Were it me I would spend a serious month with my Reversing Achilles Tendonitis program.

It will tell you the nutrition you should take (and why), and that should help you specifically with the CRPD pain, and it will help everything else as well, and give your body what it needs to be able to recover as well as possible.

It will also give your body what it needs to be able to respond better to the self care you will be doing.

Along those lines, you need to relax/soften/lengthen the too tight muscle and connective tissue in the lower You MUST do that. Replacing tendon won't help when the tendon is being constantly pulled on (pulled to much) by tight muscles.

And the chronic inflammation must be dialed down, as that is causing you a lot of pain, and will only be increased by a new surgery.

You may also want to get a Phone Consultation with me, but should work with the program for a while so we can see what happens with that and fine tune as necessary.

That was kind of a lot...with a certain amount of doctor bashing thrown in there.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Oct 31, 2016
by: Veronica

Hi I'm 10 months post Achilles repair surgery, I've done quite well but find it impossible to put shoes or boots on, the pressure on the scar is unbearable, has anyone any advice?

Oct 28, 2016
Almost 7 months Post-Op
by: Anonymous

It doesn't bend down completely like the good foot.

The injured foot is not completely like the good foot, but when i sit and put my legs up and move my ankles and toes around the injured foot can do everything the non-injured can do just not as well.

Meaning when i point my toes away from me sitting down the injured foot doesn't go as far as the non-injured, but it is getting there. It's when i get up to walk that the injured foot stays at a right angle, so doesn't bend.

I can't stand on my toes on the injured leg too...even with help from a table and doing it simultaneously with my good leg.


Joshua Comments:

Well, I imagine that it's a function of lack of muscle function and/or signal to the brain.

When you're standing the brain registers that there is a load on the muscles.

If the brain doesn't think that the muscle can function very well, long story short it won't allow the muscle to function.

So when you're sitting, the brain doesn't assess that there is a threat to the structure(s) because there is no load/force.

But when standing walking, it's all "Hey...whoa there." and the muscle(s) literally can't contract or lengthen (depending) because the brain won't send the appropriate signal.

It instead tightens the structure(s) to 'guard and protect'.

Essentially, you have too much tightness and constant muscle contraction going on in there.

And you're going to need to manually get in there and open up any muscle structures that are too tight and/or tender/painful to some finger pressure.

When a muscle is too tight, it can't function very well.

So, too factors working together to cause lack of function:

- Too much tight muscle

- Lack of appropriate signal to the brain (because of too much tightness)

And, that's why you had the tear in the first place...muscle(s) too tight and lack of function. When muscles aren't absorbing force, that force has to go the spot where the tendon tear happened.

That tightness etc is still in place post-surgery...and worse than it was before the tear, most likely.

It's reversible, you just need to get in there and do so effective work.

Oct 28, 2016
Almost 7 months Post-Op
by: Anonymous

My foot won't bend so that i can push off my toes to walk, so down.

When i am sitting i point my toes away from me and towards me. I looks like my other foot does when i move them together, just my injured one can't go as far. The only issue comes when i start to walk.


Joshua Comments:

When you're sitting your ankle bends down (just not as far as the other one) but when walking it doesn't bend at all?

Oct 24, 2016
Almost 7 months Post-Op
by: Anonymous

I am a week away from being 7 months post op. I had a 75% tear of my Achilles and a torn muscle. I spent 3 weeks in a cast and then almost 8 weeks in a boot non weight bearing.

I have been going to PT now for 3 months. I still cannot stand on my toes. I have been shocking my leg to try and stimulate the muscle as the doctor's and physical therapist believe that my muscle has not woken up still since after surgery.

My ankle has gotten stronger and my foot and toes can move pretty much the same when i am sitting but when it comes time to walk my foot doesn't bend which causes me to limp.

Has this happened to anyone else?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

When you walk your foot doesn't bend which direction (or both)?

Oct 09, 2016
10 Weeks Post-op and still in pain.
by: Desiree

Victor, yes, I am experiencing pain and also wondered if this was normal but seeing your post that you're still in pain 2 years later has me wondering.

Just saw surgeon Friday for my follow up and he says I'm doing fine. I get a lot of swelling after walking and hadn't been putting my feet up.

I think this is where my pain is coming from. He gave me some anti-flammatory cream to use 2x daily.

I've been keeping my foot elevated in addition to the cream and it seems to be helping.

Sep 27, 2016
13 weeks post op - lots of pain
by: Victor

This site is really helpful. I ruptured my Achilles' tendon on 6/27/16 and had surgery to repair the rupture on 6/29/16.

It was a really bad rupture and aggressive surgery as my tendon was severely degenerated because I'd suffered a partial rupture 20 years ago. I work in fitness as a career and this down time has been extremely challenging physically and mentally.

I'm still walking with a very pronounced limp and my incision is so sore that it's hard to wear shoes for long periods of time. I assume this is all normal but really have no idea.

My Dr and physical therapist say I'm doing well but I feel defeated. I'm tired of being in pain.

Do you all still have pain? How long did your incision hurt? How long did you limp?


Sep 22, 2016
Pain in heel where achilles attaches to heel many months after rupture
by: victoria

I ruptured my achilles playing volleyball. My ortho decided letting it heal by itself with no surgery, was in a boot for 3 months and started to wean off by lowering the wedge in boot.

Took full 6 months before walking without limp. It's now been 10 months and I have been weight training. Cycling and jogging lightly; however lately the back of my heel where the achilles attaches has been causing so much pain.

Is this normal. Should I be concerned?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Victoria.

I would be concerned.

All the factors that caused the rupture in the first place are still active and in play.

So while that's awesome that you got back to being active and walking without a limp, that you are currently experiencing pain etc is indicative that 'bad' things are happening.

Things get tight. They stay tight. Repeat. Pain and problem results.

Did you have a small tear or a big tear?

I presume your foot/ankle was in a shortened position in the boot for that three months?

Why a boot and not a cast?

Sep 06, 2016
7 weeks post op
by: Clint

Hello, I had an ATR surgery about 7 weeks ago.

Right now I am still walking in a boot and it feels ok. Just heel pain from the boot mostly.

I have anxiety about my recovery and I just hope things go well. I have 4 weeks left until my short term disability is up and hopefully be able to do my daily duties.

I have set goals for myself as far as running and hiking again hopefully 6-8 months post op. I have just got to be patient. I hope you wonderful people recover well.

Jul 20, 2016
heel pain
by: Debby

I am 3 1/2 months post surgery. I've been through physical therapy and leg was feeling ok. I am now having pain in the heel bone, it almost feels like a very bad bruise. Has anyone else experienced this?


May 31, 2016
Achilles recovery - 1 year post op
by: Lisa

Hi everyone
I am 1 year post op traumatic Achilles rupture and fx foot. I fell off of a stool and the wooden rung severed the Achilles very low on my heal. It was a difficult repair.

I can say that the "give it a year" is very accurate. I also suffered a staph infection after surgery and a stress fx in leg.

I really thought I may never recover and it is only after a year that I am starting to see some progress.

I began running st 6 months. It hurt like hell but doc assured me that running on a treadmill wasn't going to retear. So I ran through the pain. I also do yoga, hiking, weight lifting, power classes, rowing, biking, pretty much you name it I do it and yes it hurts.

The most difficult thing for me believe it or not is just walking. I do have a limp and I am very stiff much of the day but exercise helps. Hiking and walking in sand help ALOT. Flip flops are my worst enemy. I have to wear good sneakers and I can recommend saucony Iso series which is designed for Injuries. They are a life saver. I also have some opposite side knee and hip problems now but I am confident they will get better.

Going down stairs is hard. Right now my worse problem is severe cramping in foot and calf at night. I think I will have to go back to doc over this it's so bad - my foot contorts all sorts of ways and it's not an average cramp / it isn't relieved by getting up and walking.

I noticed pain significantly decrease at 1 year but it is NEVER pain free. My best advice is to not give into the pain and stiffness and stay moving. Swimming biking yoga and running if you can tolerate it and your doc says it's safe.

I have tried every kind of support and brace and they just make it worse so good shoes usually do the trick. Continue firm massage of the Tendon and scar and around ankle every night and TENS unit helps me a lot. I don't think I will ever be completely normal again but I am sure going to try.

Wear a good support boot when hiking / like a Merrill boot. At 1 year you will have really good days and really bad days still.

Sometimes I walk really normal but mostly I have a limp. Feel free to ask me any other progress questions.

May 02, 2016
AT Surgery Two Years ago, too!
by: Linda

I am still in pain, my foot is still stiff. I walk funny and my balance is off. I swim 3-4 times a week and stretch my achilles every day. I have a feeling this is as good as I'm going to get.

The surgeon used stem cells in my repair but I know nothing more than that. Very discouraging.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Linda.

Stem cells can help the tendon repair itself/heal back together better.

But there are several other factors involved (same factors that caused the tear) that are still in place (and possibly worse) after surgery.

All the surgery helps is reconnecting the torn tissue. It ignores the too tight muscle and connective tissue around and connected to the tendon, the nutritional lack, and the chronic inflammation that all work together to cause pain and problem.

You should be able to push your scenario to a more functional/happy place, you one needs to deal effectively with the factors in play.

(hint hint - the Reversing Achilles Tendonitis program)

Nov 08, 2015
Checking in Again
by: Josie


Josie checking in again and had the Haglunds, bone spur, tendon surgery 3 weeks ago Oct 16, 2015.

Learning to slowly regain my independence with the help of a knee scooter and an IWalk crutch, lots of computer games, reading, DVDs to keep nwb going. Tomorrow, my 2nd cast will be cut and sutures come out. OS said she removed the thickened part of the tendon and debrided what she felt needed to be. I assume tendon anchor screws were hammered in to reattach to my heel but not sure. She doesn't tell me much.

1st week I tried crutches and braced my fall with my wrist (Ouchy mama!) Back to my scooter and week 3 try the IWalk2.Off the pain killers after day 3 and getting meals sent to my husband to help take care of me (he's 70, I'm 67). Off the ice behind the back of my knee after 7 days.

Caregiving has been tiring for him but I'm thankful to have his support. Started to shop for groceries and enjoy using the store electric scooter to fill my basket and keep my casted leg elevated on the basket. I keep my shopping runs to 90 minutes before I feel it's time to go home and elevate, elevate, elevate.

How many weeks do I need to elevate or just do so when swollen and achy?

With the amount of about town (shopping, library visits) and scooting around in my backyard carefully raking up leaves, I only hope I haven't messed up the healing process.

Dates: surgery, October 16; telling folks that I hope to be a walking boot by mid-December and start PT.

Springtime: hoping I can hit the swimming pool in April and rehab. I normally swim 30 minute laps. In fact, I'm certain it that 2 years of deep diving in flippers that is the cause for the tendonitis and bone spurs to develop. Needless to say, I'm tossing the flippers.

I have a positive attitude and nothing is going to change that. I just may have to sadly say good-bye to my knee scooter which I've grown accustomed to. I name her, "Nelly Bell."

Grateful for this place to review what others are sharing. Thanks!


Joshua Comments:

Just over 3 weeks after major surgery....

My vague answer is along the lines of 'it will take as long as it takes....'.

Or, 'use the knee scooter as long as you need to'.

While I hate to use the 'age' thing, 67 year olds heal/recover slower than 30 year olds slower than 15 year olds.

And it depends on how vital your system is, how much nutrition you have in your body, and teh self care you do or don't do to speed up recovery.

So....I realize that's a terrible answer to your question, but the moral of the story is, 3-6 weeks of down time is definitely in the realm of 'to be expected'.

You're staying active (good), you're paying attention and being smart about things (good), it sounds like you fell on your wrist and not your foot (good). So you're basically on the right path.

When the cast comes off, I'd:

* start ice dipping like crazy

* rub/massage the lower leg regularly throughout the day

* very slower start putting light light light weight on the foot (action of the foot). Before then, I'd just go through the motions with no pressure (to get the neurons firing, to put the brain's attention on the area again, etc).

Sep 29, 2015
Achilles rupture 6 month should I stretch
by: Anonymous

Hi am 6 months after achilles rupture and I do have dat stiffness too ,but it goes away if I keep on the move.

Now when I go for a jog / try to sprint it's all too tight , my calf muscle isn't the same size as the other one yet and all the rehab am doing , but I hope this is not the case that I won't play football again as said on this page.

Also I asked the surgeon why is it so tight will I keep stretching it and he told me no that I could over stretch it and that he had patients go back to him to get op again due to over stretch.


Joshua Comments:

Surgery reattaches torn tendon but doesn't address any of the causes that led to the tear.

So when you stretch after surgery, too much force is being applied to the weak spot on the tendon because the too tight tissue (muscle/connective tissue) aren't lengthening.

Sep 22, 2015
Achillies tendon lengthening surgery
by: Anonymous

Hi. It would be great if we had the opportunity to comment or ask questions to the folks who post. Just a suggestions.

Now for my question...

I am 6 weeks post op and feel great. Strength is great, VERY little soreness, and flexibility down and to the sides are pretty good.

My only issues is my Achilles is very tight. I understand it may be tight post op for the usual reasons however I can barely bend my knee it is so tight. I tore my other Achilles 14 years ago and had little to no tightness so this is very different from my previous repair which is freaking me out. I don't want to walk with a limp and I was very active prior to the injury. I am 43.

My question is what has your experience been with Achilles tendon lengthening surgery due to the tendon being sewed back together (or whatever the reason it is tight) too tightly?

I have been thinking about this but have not have a chance to ask my surgeon yet. Thanks in advance.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Jon.

1. When people comment they can click the box, if they do they get notifications of new comments. So you can ask. May or may not get a response.

2. What exactly happened during the surgery? Did the surgeon remove tissue and effectively shorten the tendon? Just repair a tear? Or...?

I need to know that to better answer your question.

Jul 30, 2015
Pain in achilles and calf 5 months after surgery
by: Jamie

I went in to see the doctor because of my heal pain , I knew I had a spur on it and thought if I had it remove that the pain would stop.

To my surprise he said my Achilles was torn and I needed to have surgery to fix it.

I elected to have the surgery and now 5 months later I have more pain then I had before the surgery.

The pain is in my heal , ankle foot and calf. I still have swelling and my heal feel like it is dead to the touch .

I did the boot for 6 weeks ice it and need pt three times a week.

Why am I still in pain ? The doctor seems like there isn't anything wrong , and acts like he doesn't care.

What do I need to do , and how do I get out of this pain and this limb ?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Jamie.

It's not that your doctor is acting like he doesn't care. He actually doesn't care.

Significant pain etc 6 months later is something that -should- bring a doctor to attention.

But it's just easier to shrug it off and either blame it on you or pretend that it's no big deal.

It's no big deal to the doctor, but it is a big deal to you.


1. Was there a bone spur?

2. Was it removed?

3. What exactly was done during surgery? Was the Achilles totally severed and reattached, or....?

Jul 14, 2015
2 achiles surgeries
by: Longtime

My case is the same as some post with a little twist.

I started 1 year of conservative therapy which didn't work.

I was told it was a bone spur. After an MRI I was told a bone spur and Achilles tear.

Surgery number one was performed. Three weeks post surgery I collapsed and was life flighted for massive embolisms in my lungs. I was told I should have died.

I spent 11 days in the hospital, 4 in ICU. After having to see heart/lung specialists I am on blood thinners for life. My first surgeon told me "tough break" but my achilles was gr8, better than ever.

Several months post surgery still couldn't bear weight on my leg. Saw a second surgeon and ended up having a radical second surgery.

My achilles was shredded and too far gone. My tendon to my gr8 toe was severed. My new surgeon transferred another tendon (only one left) to replace the achilles. It has been 17 months post second surgery.

Toe are numb constantly, needs compression wrapped for life. Swelling is horrible. Did several months of PT to gain some use.

Driving is a challenge and steps are a killer.

I guess all I can say is pick the right surgeon the first time. Though my second surgeon was gr8 he told me going in I would be in at least an 18-24 month recovery with extensive nerve damage.

At least I can walk now though limited with swelling. I wish everybody the best with their surgeries. I have been going through this 1 year conservative, 26 months since surgery one.

Again good luck to all......

Jun 14, 2015
Achilles Tendon Swelling
by: Spencer

I ruptured my achilles tendon nearly 1 year ago.

I wore a boot for five months and it healed without surgery.

7 months after taking the boot off and going through physical therapy my ankle is still swollen but does not have any pain.

Not sure if this is normal and I can expect the swelling to reduce in the future.

Sometime I think surgery may have been the best option but took the cheap way out since I didn't have insurance.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Spencer.

Well, ya gotta do what you gotta do.

The good news is, you can walk around etc.

The bad news is, achilles tears generally (ok, pretty much never) 'heal' back to 100%.

You still have some problem going on in there.

Can you rehab it? Probably.

If you're not an athlete and don't want to be running around, that's a plus.

Getting the swelling gone and back to normal enough function is one thing.

That plus the ability to run/sprint/jump, that may (or may not) be a much bigger deal.

There are a lot of factors at play. You'll need to deal with all of them. Primarily, the factors/dysfunciton that caused the rupture in the first place (if muscles etc aren't working right, then they can't handle the load and that force has to go -somewhere-).

I recommend that you get the Reversing Achilles Tendonitis program. You have to do the same things for tendonitis as you do for recovering from a tear.

And, we're assuming that the tendon itself did in fact reconnect and have a pretty good connection that we can improve upon.

Or if you're really motivated/really need it, the ARPwave System.

(See links to both in this thread).

May 09, 2015
Lacerated Achilles' tendon
by: Carole

I had a bad run in with a piece of metal roofing tin. I was holding the tin up for my husband to grab from up on the roof.

This was something I had done plenty of times and never had an incident. He had a hold of the metal, as I turned to walk away my ankle raised up and hit the edge of the metal.

I instantly knew it was my tendon, my foot went numb. He came off the roof and looked inside and had seen that the tendon was completely in two. No blood, and no pain????

The metal was as sharp as a scalpel.. Needless to say I had an mri and surgery. It's been 7 months and it is still very sore?

Just wanted to know if that's normal? Thanks


Joshua Comments:

Hi Carole.

Yes, it's common to have soreness/pain etc that far out from reconnection surgery, and even further out.

It's a big chunk of tendon attached to some big/strong muscles.

Keep doing good self care so it will heal as happily/well as possible.

See Related: Achilles Tendon Severed at Heel In Accident

Dec 13, 2014
Gymnastics- 42 year old Full Achlles Tendon Tear
by: Emily D.

On June 3rd, 2014 I was performing my year end coaches demo with a few of my staff members ( a routine which we had been practising for 2 months) That day I had cold feet all day when working and tried really hard to warm them up by wearing socks and shoes when coaching gymnastics that night.

Just before our demo I did my normal stretches ( achilles being one) and yet still could not warm up my feet. So as the demo proceeded I came to my first tumbling line of 3 consecutive backhandsprings and on the third felt like I had hit something with my calf muscle.

I turned around thinking someone or something was on the floor as the gym was filled with parents and gymnasts and nothing was there. So I stepped down and walked towards my corner and knew that something was not right. I happened to just sit out and watch my coaches perform the rest of the demo, not in pain or discomfort at all.

Once done I then hopped up and gave my year end speech and then was carried out and suggest I go to the hospital.

So of course the Dr at the hospital can't totally diagnose this injury but was pretty sure I had torn my achilles.

I was in disbelief as I was in no pain.

I ended up with a fiberglass cast and was told I would hear from the specialist tomorrow.

On June 10 I went for my appointment and had an ultra sound where he showed me the 7cm tear and then discussed my options.

I was devasated as gymnastics is my life and my job and how could I go months without being in the gym. I had the surgery the next day.

Everything went well and I did not have a ton of pain so very lucky. I only missed two days of work and ended up purchasing an IWalk, this was the best thing I could have found as I could actually walk hands free with no crutches.

I could vacuum, carry kids, clean and do normal activites without the burden of crutches.

I was released from my Dr on Sept 3rd exactly three months since my injury and am now running and actually doing some basic gymnastics.

I feel working in the gym is physio for me and after each day my achilles feels better and better.

I am still doing physio two times a week and am looking forward to a full recovery so I can get back into tumbling and jumping like gymnasts do!


Joshua Comments:

Hi Emily.

That's great you're feeling better and better!

Out of curiosity, are you doing anything other than walking around the gym for self care?

What were/are you doing with the physio?

Jul 14, 2014
Long Recovery after two achilles surgeries that left me worse that I was before
by: BooBoo

Hi all,

My case is similar to many folks out there, back in Dec 2013, I had a bone spur and bone removed from the back of heel since the spur was tearing the tendon up, Dr. had to detached the tendon and reattached with anchors, remained in a cast for 4 weeks then in an orthopedic boot for another 4 weeks, my leg developed so much pain and one Dr. told me I had CRPS on my leg so my healing process was slower.

In may I told my Dr that I couldn't walk normally, the tendon was so tight it was impossible for me to walk off and plant my foot with ease, he the told me that he thought I needed to have another surgery to lengthened the tendon, I told him go ahead and do it immediately since I am on LTD from work (luckily).

So, here I am 2 months after my second surgery and I am not able to walk without dragging or limping, the tendon still is very tight and if I walk for long periods of time my leg swells.

Folks this is so frustrating, it has already impacted me mentally in addition to physically and at times there is no one out there that seems to understand what condition really entails...

Hopeful, Optimistically Staying Strong.


Joshua Comments:

Hi BooBoo.

That sounds horrible, sorry to hear that.

What are you doing to heal that?

In the future, here are some questions to ask your doctor. Quiz Your Doctor

Apr 22, 2014
Fully Ruptured Achilles Tendon 14 months facing possible re-tear
by: Simone


I fully ruptured my right achilles tendon a litte over a year ago. I did it after deciding to play half-court basketball with my husband and his friends. I had the surgery about a week or so later and went through the long recovery.

The pain immediately after the injury was bad, but then it was just sore. Surgery went well and I worked hard to recover from it. I had been doing REALLY well, running 2x a week, walking and being pretty active. Then my family went on vacation to Arizona for a week. It was my idea to go hiking because of the beautiful scenery out there. The trail we picked was a 4 mile hike, not too too hilly, but overall with some rough terrain, mostly rocks in the dirt that kind of made your foot slip a little when you stepped on them. But nothing that bad.

The next day I was ok, but I wore a pair of wedge heels to a function that we went to. I never felt any pain or anything definite, but the next day my tendon felt sore and swollen and I knew something was different. I bought a wrap for it and took it easy. Came home and went back to work, but wore ankle wrap, etc.

Well I saw my ortho doctor this week and he did the Thompson test, which I failed. He thinks I may have a re-tear, just not sure how bad. I am pretty devastated but have accepted that this is the case...just want to move on and start healing again. I can't get in to get an MRI until next week, but in the interim I am using crutches and taking it easy.

I am fairly certain this cannot be a full tear this time because A) it is not swollen B) I can walk C) after I came back from vacation I was raising up on my toes.

I am hoping that I may just need to wear the boot for a few weeks and let it heal on its own. I am looking into supplements and have ordered some recommended on this site. Would appreciate any advice or help or someone who went through similar issue...Thanks.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Simone.

How's your leg doing now, what's happened since posting this?

The reason situations like yours happen is because there are specific reasons that Achilles tendons tear in the first place, and surgery to reconnect the tendon in no way address those factors. So recovery is hindered and future tear/pain/problem is entirely common....because the same factors that caused the original tear are still in play.

The ARPwave is the best and fastest fix I know of.

My Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook shows you what you need to do for recovery, but depending on the severity of tendon damage it can help but not 'fix' what's going on.

See: The ARPwave System

RELATED: Michael's Post Achilles Tendon Rupture Surgery ARPwave Story

Give us an update and any questions.

Mar 08, 2014
7 Years Later after multiple achilles tendon surgeries
by: Sharon

Hi Joshua

I had my surgery 7 years ago it was a stretching of my Achilles tendon with an anchor in my heel bone due to a sore plantar fascia, after the surgery I could not walk unless on my tip toes due to swelling.

Then after 6 months of physiotherapy it tore 3/4 of the way and medically was told to let it self heal which it never did so 6 months later I had a operation to clean out the swelling and take a closer look.

12 months later I had another operation to take my tendon from my big toe and attach it to my Achilles after this operation I was optimistic however same thing inflammation, so before Christmas 2013 I went into have it looked at again and remove some of the inflammation they found my Achilles had slightly fused to my muscle they released this and said they think they have found the reason why it has been so inflamed all the time.

It is now March 2014 and still the same.

The bottom line is after countless operations and physiotherapy and plaster casts and crutches and boots and anti anti-inflamitries all the other exercise and rest, I can only just walk around 1/2 a mile a day and then I'm done.

It just swells like an orange, there seems to be no end to it.

Any ideas on how to reduce this swelling permanently?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Sharon.

Have you done anything for self care other than follow the prescriptions of doctors?

Have you learned How To Reduce Inflammation?

Magnesium For Tendonitis?

Feb 06, 2013
Arrgh! Donna, I deleted your response by accident!
by: The Tendonitis Expert

Hi Donna. I'm assuming it was the same Donna that wrote in, but after responding to your next response I accidentally deleted the whole thing. :(

First time in 4 years that I've made that particular mistake.

If you're motivated to do so, please respond again.

Feb 05, 2013
walking again
by: donna

Hi all I am now walking again more or less normaly,I have found the best way to deal with the stiffness is by walking up the waits bare footed and trying to walk on my toes when I first started to do this It was quite difficult but as the weeks go on i have found it easier,i can run but because my walling was so bad at the beginning it causeed a mayor problem with my knees and they were more painful than my feet but having forced myself to walk as normal as i could i have now over come this i am aware that it will take quite a while for this to return to normal but i am coping well .

Having done both of them at the same time i knew that it was going to be a long haul ,so i was prepared and also i wanted to stick two fingers up to my consultant as he said i would never walk normaly again well I am yes at the end of the day I have pain but I am walking and living a normal life so my only words to those who are suffering this condition is just keep going do not let it beat you adjust and over come.


Joshua Comments:

Yeah, those pessimistic doctors....dumb.

I think '..walking up the waits bare footed..' was a misspelling, but I can't figure it out. 'Walls'?

Feb 03, 2013
Exposed achilles tendon 3 months after surgery
by: eve

I had surgery two mths ago and another one to close a small rupture. Since then the tendon is still expose and the surrounding layers of skin is not covering the tendon.what could my doctor use to fix the problem?


Joshua Comments:

You've had an open wound/exposed tendon for 3 months???

Your doctor should investigate why in the world your body isn't closing/healing your wound. Since it's been three months, I'm guessing that your doctors aren't going to do that.

Unless you're 90 years old with paper thin skin, you should be healing and the wound should be closing.

Hi Eve.

They stitched it up, right?

The first place to look is nutrition. You don't have enough basic building blocks for the body to do what it's designed to do, so it's not.

More protein, more healthy fat, various nutrients to therapeutically supplement with. No gluten, no processed foods.

Feb 02, 2013
Pain after 2 years
by: Emma

Hi there, 2 years ago I had tendonitis surgery at the time I was 19years old & my doctor didn't know how I would recover as he said it was not normal for someone my age or anyone under 30 to have this issue. They believe I gained this issue by my high level gymnastics & soccer for years.

When it's very hot or very cold I get stiff pain by the heel bone which makes my muscles tight & makes walking painful.

I run fine, walk fine swim fine everything! Other then when I am experiencing temperature pain

Jan 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

Thank you for you response ,I am now walking relatively well on a good day .

Yes I did rupture them both at once the left one went first then when I drew the right leg forward the other one went just a loud snap in both no pain then I fell ,as I didn't know what I done I tried to walk them there was pain. I haven't really had much input from any medical professional.although I am nearly back to normal.

I did suffer a few infections and later found a stich under the skin which when I found it and removed it resolved the infection.

Any information you can give me will be gladly received

Thanks donna


Joshua Comments:

Yeah.....don't expect much from the medical profession.

A little surgery, a little PT, and off you go.


Did you have partial or complete ruptures?

How did the surgeries go?

What's the exact timeline of injury to surgery to walking to now?

How's pain, swelling, etc been?

Basically, write me a very detailed story, including your hopes and wishes for how active you want to be (and why), etc.

The more complete picture I have, the better opinion/commentary I can come up with.

Jan 06, 2013
Ruptured both Achilles running
by: Donna

I am 44 years old and ruptured both Achilles tendons whilst running.

I've had both operated on but i am now two weeks post opp and have no real pain or swelling but i am concerned about walking again i can not find any information about recovery and have no input from my surgeon so if any one out there could give me some ideas about what to do or how to get back on my feet again i will be for ever grateful.

I've been given boots and crutches but i am still in a wheel chair and do try to walk a bit but i have no real balance so i am at a loss as what to do.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Donna.

Do you mean you ruptured both achilles while running at the exact same time?

I'd be curious to hear more about that.

Granted it's been 3ish months since you submitted this question, but it's good news that 2 weeks post surgery you're not having pain. That's a good sign.

Unfortunately, yes, while one expects good post-surgery advise and self care instructions from one's surgeon/doctor/medical facility, one probably shouldn't. The medical community somehow still thinks that surgery and rest you'll be back to 100%. They often prescribe physical therapy as an expected aspect of treatment, but if you come back with pain, it's always somehow your fault.

So give me an update on where you're at/how you're feeling/what you've done since submitting this and we'll go from there.

I imagine you're out of the cast by now.

Aug 21, 2012
Military 6 months after surgery & still hurts
by: Anonymous

I had surgery in Feb 2012 now it's Aug and I am still having pain in the mornings, with stiffness etc. I also have a slight bulge in the back where they attached it.

It also doesn't help that I'm in the military and i have to wear boots that causes pain throughout the day.

Is the pain normal like this after surgery? Also when i try to run/jog i feel it really tight and it feels like i'm limping.


Joshua Comments:

Hello Anonarmy.

Unfortunately, Achilles Tendonitis surgery isn't the cure all we'd like it to be.

It was ALREADY tight, that's what caused the original Achilles Tendonitis Symptoms.

Surgery doesn't fix the CAUSE of the achilles tendon pain and symptoms.

SO 8 months later, when things are still tight and painful.....

So, is your situation ideal? No.

Is it 'normal'? For the most part, unfortunately, yes.

Why? Because you weren't given effective post surgery rehab. Because the original causes of the problem weren't addressed by surgery so are still in place.

Get the Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook, and get to serious work on it (because it's predictable that if you keep running etc, things will get bad again. I don't want that to happen, but it's predictable).

Jun 09, 2012
A Year Later 3/4 achilles tendon tear and no surgery
by: Anonymous

It has been a year since I ruptured my achilles playing baseball. It was 3/4 of the way torn, so my doctor decided against surgery. It healed pretty well on its own, but I get the absolute worst calf cramps in the morning. I do stretches everyday, I do aquafit and swim, walk, etc. Anyone have any other suggestions on how to stop this cramping?


Joshua Comments:

See: Magnesium for Tendonitis

The danger is that the cramping is because the nervous system can't fire muscle properly because it's getting a signal from the tendon that the tendon is in danger (3/4 tear of an achilles tendon is -significant-).

See what happens with the magnesium.

Mar 27, 2011
e: Joshua's comment
by: Gena

Hi Josh. And, thanks for responding to my post. "What have I done for my achilles, for the past year?" I did re-hab for 9 weeks. They said I could not leave till I could stand on toes...that never happened.

I have continued with the bands/weights, daily. I try to walk as much as possible. I tend to us my toes and side of foot to do all the work, it seems.

I have complete atrophy in calf muscle. I was VERY athletic before injury. Anything you could add would be greatly appreciated.

I have recently been diagnosed with spondyloarthritis. (I'm not convinced with diagnoses)...You think I should see Rhuemy, or surgeon, regarding issues?

Thanks :)


Joshua Comments:

Hi Gena.

Here's the reason to be suspicious about that arthritis diagnosis. Technically, you likely do have an irritated joint (I'm assuming you're talking about your ankle). Here's why: TIGHT Achilles is compressing the foot bones into the leg bones. So all movement is 'grinding', and just laying there is compressing.

Not so great. I would focus on reducing that compression.

The reason you don't fire off your big toe side is because your neurology is jacked up due to physical tissue issues, and your brain won't let the right muscles fire for a variety of very good reasons.

Personally, I'd drop $20 on my Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook.

You have a serious physical issue, and you need an -effective- strategy to get yourself going again. Clearly rehab and bands/weights, etc, didn't do the trick. Nor will they.

Bands and weights isn't the answer to your multifaceted problem.

Getting rid of inflammation with something like learning How To Reduce Inflammation is an important start.

Opening up the constrictive tissue is another.

The reattachment surgery technically shortened the structure(s) in the back of your lower leg. It was short to begin with, which is likely why it ruptured. You have to lengthen it.

It will take time and effort, but it's doable.

Mar 27, 2011
Still not close to 100%, 1 year after rupture
by: Gena

It will be one year next week since my achilles acute rupture. I am far from 100%, still cannot do heel lifts, and VERY tight. Most days it feels like it's going to just snap, it is so tight.

Cannot do steps or steep slopes. Try to walk about a mile or so a day, use "tens unit", and ice/heat on regular basis. I do believe my running and hiking days are over. It is a very "mental" injury as well as physical.

Best of luck to all who are suffering.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Gena.

Thanks for sharing.

I assume that you had it surgically reattached, yes? It makes sense it would be super tight now....

So...what are you doing to counter that tightness?

In other words, what have you done for it over the last year?

Feb 05, 2011
A year and 7 months after Achilles Rupture and still feel pain
by: Anonymous

I did not have surgery. I rupture the achilles tendon. A year and 7 months later, I have pain mostly in the back of my heal. When I wake up, it's real tight. I have to take a warm shower and stretch it to loosen it up. I can walk on it and if I walk to fast, it starts to feel a little painful. But when I try to jog lightly, it just feels like it doesn't want to relax. It tightens up.

Isn't the pain supposed to be gone by now?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

Wouldn't it be great if the pain was gone by now?

But, the fact is, it's not.

The question becomes, why not?

Because the entire structure of the back of your lower leg is TOO TIGHT.

And the pain isn't going to change until that does.

Kind of a brief answer. Let me know if you have follow up questions.

Apr 29, 2010
You're not alone - Achilles Tendonitis Surgery two years ago, still healing.
by: terri

hey you're not alone my Achilles gets stiff and hard too.. sometimes it feels like a robot it dont flex right lol... i cant run either.. n if they offered a billion dollars to tip toe on that one foot i would loose... lol.... in the morning i can not walk...

i started walking a mile a day that got in trouble... i heard walking on the beach is great.. i guess like hiking... but i tore mine from hiking... yikes for me... i guess we dont really recover to 100%.... but me and you are in the same club....

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