Achilles Tendonitis Surgery Last Week, Thank God For Painkillers

by Stace
(Hilo, Hawaii)

I just got Achilles Tendonitis surgery on my right Achilles last week.

Other people I talked to said it wasn't that bad, I must be a wimp!

Ouch! Hello Ouch! Thank god for Pain Killers.

I hurt before the surgery. I hurt after the surgery. I still hurt.

I can't move without crutches, and it hurts putting any weight on my foot.

Is it supposed to hurt this bad?

I know there's recovery time, and I'm supposed to go to PT and all that, but I'm just sitting here regularly eating my Ibuprofen and Vicadin.

I've been reading on this site about Achilles Tendonitis and tendon inflammation.

I'm going to start icing. I think that will help, because as you say, it feels like there's tons of 'pain enhancing chemical' in there.

I hope it's that and not that the doctor screwed up the surgery on my poor little achilles tendon.



Joshua Comments:

Get Icing Stace. That's the way to recover faster and get out of pain faster, especially with the acute pain you're in.

Fair Warning, you're going to need to ice a lot and keep at it, you may not notice benefit for up to a few days, but trust that there's a lot going on underneath the surface of the skin and if you keep working it, you'll get results.

That's just the way Achilles surgery injury and Tendonitis works.

And for everyone else, check out the Process of Inflammation and the How To Reduce Inflammation pages to see what Stace is referring to.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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