Achilles Tendon injury and now Dr. says tendon is too short
by Sherri
I have been fighting an achilles tendon injury for around 7 months now.
I have done ibuprofen treatment, physical therapy, rest, ice, casting and stretching exerising daily.
My orthopic dr. said there was nothing else he could do so he sent me to a surgeon, but he said to get some special made insert for my shoe (because what happened when my tendon started healing was it is too short now. ) then come back and see him in 36 MONTHS and he might do the surgery to lengthen the tendon.
This seems like a long time to go without some relief.
So I guess my question is the doctor putting me off or will this insert really be worth the cost ( which is $300 to $350 )and give me some relief.
Or should I look for another opinion?
I am in constant pain when I walk. I can't walk with out a limp because it hurts to walk normal, it hurts standing and it screams at night when I try to go to sleep.
It has gotten to the point where my whole ankle hurts and burns and it pretty much stays swollen especially on either side of the achilles tendon and in the front.
It is tender to the touch and there is a knot on the tendon from where it healed up.
The knot is very painful and sore especially after exercising or walking.
I am on my feet all the time and my daughters play basketball and I like to work with them, but I can't even do a jump shot. I am so frustrated with this whole thing it seems like it is never going to get better. Any insight you could give would be a great help.
Joshua AnswersHi Sherri.
Your tendon is goo short?
This is one of those not too infrequent times that I get to say my favorite saying, which is..."Your doctor is smoking crack."
It is INCREDIBLY unlikely that your tendon is too short.
Maybe if it was completely severed, you had surgery to reconnect it, and as it healed it pulled itself together, MAYBE then the tendon itself would be too short.
It's is a definite that your calf muscles and connective tissue -is- too tight and short, and this is putting constant tension on the injury site of the tendon.
If you have a lump there, then you have a long term dynamic of the body continually laying down scar tissue.
But doesn't it heal?" Well, yes, but when it heals, it heals less structurally strong. Meaning that scar tissue fibers lay down in all directions, which is not as strong as all in the same direction.
Then one or two of them rip off with activity, and the body goes "Oh no, we're injured again!" and does it's thing to protect you.
Tendonitis and the
Pain Causing Dynamic.
What Is Tendonitis?Everything your doctor told you to do, and the ways you were told to do it, pretty much equal you having very little chance of healing and getting out of pain.
Ibuprofen is not 'therapy'. Ice packs a few times a day won't help. Casting is a -horrible- thing to do, unless your tendon is ripped in half or more.
Honestly, I can't say about the insert. Don't know. However, with the track record of your doctor's recommendations.....
1. Describe the injury. Was it a single event, or did it come on over time.
2. How bad? Describe symptoms, what makes it worse, etc.
3. Swelling? How much?
4. Describe the pain, at night and such.
5. Is the pain in the tendon, the muscle, the ankle, all of the above? Details.
I imagine we need to do what we need to do for all Achilles Tendonitis: Reduce inflammation. Increase nutrition to the actual site of injury. Decrease tone of calf muscles. Open up connective tissue of the structure.
Answer the above questions to give me a more accurate picture, and we'll go from there.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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