Achilles rupture- recovery and now tendonitis (w/ cyst & scar tissue )
by Aaron L
(Miami, Florida, USA)
Achilles Tendon Cyst growing after achilles tendon rupture surgery
side view of achilles tendon cyst below rupture
Cyst formation under achilles tendon repair
Hello. My name is Aaron, 24 y/o male, active, fit and weight training my whole life- was a competitive swimmer and water polo player and 1 year of Olympic lifting 2015 - 2016(after recovering from an Achilles rupture in 2013)
History: 2013 ruptured left Achilles tendon in a traumatic accident. I was holding up a sheet metal gateway with my barefoot and did not realize it was raw metal on the bottom and it slit my tendon in half midway between heel. Had surgery from a great surgeon who repaired it (not sure on specifics). I did PT for 3 months and recovered beautifully. With more PT at home and weight training, I got 100% use of my left Achilles tendon and recovered from muscle atrophy in calves.
After the end of 2013 till November 2016 my Achilles has been great- even now with my abnormality I still feel good.
Fast forward 2016 (around November)- In 2015 and 2016 I got into heavy lifting (mainly squats and deadlifts) would do it with more or less proper form (so I thought).
I would wearing lifting shoes (Adidas) and deep squat around 300 - 500lbs in my peak strength- Which I may attribute to this issue due to slight inflexibility of my heel. Noticed in late November 2016 I had a small bump near the bottom of my heel which is (still) about 5 - 6mm in size and raised enough that It will form a hole in my running shoes from the friction and contact- It currently doesn't hurt, but it will get sore from time to time- depending on the shoes I wear but over all no pain. I can rub it and touch it without any pain.
Currently, 3 months after noticing the cyst, it has not grown but it does swell up with different shoes. I can walk and run perfectly fine with no pain (If i am barefoot) so I have been doing slip on sandals for a while now and I want to get back to wearing any shoe I need to wear as well as my usual activity.
I read a bunch of your responses and you seem like a very educated and experienced individual- I currently am seeing a podiatrist who jumped straight to surgery- which I don't necessarily like but he is a well known Dr. with good reputation. He ordered an MRI which I did and received the results which the Dr. described to be a cystic mass (fibrous and mucitinic) similar to a cyst.
On palpation the "cyst" is hardened and I thought it was a bone growth before I got the MRI- but it is slightly movable. The Dr. says it is most likely a
cyst (with scar tissue) which seems to have formed from a small tear in my Achilles tendon (due to tendonitis) but he says the tear is very small and most likely will not need surgical repair, just excision of the cyst. I do not want to opt for surgery, even for a small tear- i know most times these things heal on their own with therapy and perseverance.
QUESTION: what can I do, what are my options? What is your opinion on the matter, and if I press and massage it daily, can it reduce it enough to go away?
Also, how can I prevent this from happening again... I am a very athletic person, I love hiking and working out and I just want to go about this in the most conservative way while nailing the cause of this.
Thanks again,
Aaron L
Joshua Answers:Hi Aaron.
Obviously slicing the achilles tendon isn't great.
1. Is the cyst in the same place as the original cut? In other words, is the cyst growing in/on the spot the severed ends of the tendon healed back together?
If not, where is it in relation to the original injury site? If I'm seeing the pictures you included correctly, it looks like the cyst is an inch or so below the original slice to the tendon.
2. Presumably the cyst wasn't around before the tendon injury. Sounds like you only noticed it after.
3. Clarify: Weight lifting and running doesn't hurt the cyst, but the cyst rubbing on the shoes does?
4. Have you looked into the 'barefoot' running thing at all? I only bring that up as there may or may not be 'proper' shoes for you.
5. Is the cyst deep in the tendon/tissue or is it superficial or 'on top' of tendon tissue.
You may or may not have had it before, but you definitely have an
Achilles Tendonitis dynamic now.
I'll explain it all plus cyst formation, and answer your questions, after you answer the above.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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