A Knitter with Pain at base of thumb and bone on back of hand
by Connie
(Hockessin, DE)
I have your dvd for Knitters and did the exercises daily for about 10 days and then occasionally after that.
I had relief from pain in my shoulder and arm, but continue to have pain at the base of my thumb near wrist joint that radiates upward and pain around the bone on the back of my hand.
In fact, the exercises seemed to irritate the boney area on back of hand. During this time I have continued to knit, but not as much, with several days without knitting.
I do not have numbness, but stiffness and lack of grip with my right hand, in addition to the thumb pain.
Are there additional exercises that I can do for my thumb and hand? And, I will be traveling this next week and wondering if I should do the exercises without the ice dip? I really like the second activity and it has helped my shoulders and helps to to focus on my posture when I am knitting.
I have had to give up doing many Yoga postures because of the pain in my hand and wrist - would strengthening my arm muscles help, ie. weights??
I like the Knitter's dvd, but wondering if there is an additional problem going on here that we could address without buying another dvd.
Many thanks for you suggestions.
Hockessin, DE
Joshua Answers:Hello Connie.
It sounds like the DVD after 10 days has given you a lot of relief. That's great.
It's also a valuable clue that you still have what symptoms you have.
Quick answers, and then some questions.
1. Yes, strengthening would be a wise move.
2. Yes, continue whatever exercises that you can.
Questions:1. Describe the pain in your thumb/hand/wrist in more detail please. Where does the pain radiate. What does 'bone on back of hand mean'. Where, when, how, etc.
2. What exactly is the pain/problem that stops you from yoga?
3. Is that the same pain/problem that limits your knitting?
4. Did you have numbness/tingling, but now you don't?
5. Does the thumb pain feel more like a joint issue/pain, or is it just that the muscles are tight and painful in the thumb pad?
6. Which activities from the dvd irritate/hurt your hand? What exactly is the result from that activity?
I hope you have email access while traveling so we can keep you in an upward spiral.
Talk to you soon.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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