68 year old asks Did I damage wrist tendon whilst weight training?
I am 68 years old, left handed and have Parkinson's disease.
6 years ago I was working out on weight training equipment when I felt something snap in my right wrist and severe pain shot up my arm.
It was weeks after before I was able to lift my arm above my head and I noticed that the movement of my fingers was slowly stiffening. I played piano for long periods on most days and when I started to 'miss' certain notes I observed that my finger was playing them but the force applied was insufficient to make the note sound. It started with my ring finger and gradually all of them became stiff and it has become difficult for me to play.
My little finger sticks out at a right angle when I play or type and a decompression operation at the elbow joint failed to rectify this. Also my right hand now naturally takes up a 'claw' position.
The back of my hand is slightly puffed and occasionally so is my wrist. There is no pain except when on occasion I put pressure on my wrist such as doing press-ups and then I get pain at the back across my wrist joint.
Does it sound like wrist tendonitis?
Joshua Answers:Hi L.
1. Re: the Parkinson's. What is your Vitamin D level? If you don't know, find out asap. Seriously.
2. It doesn't sound like wrist tendonitis per se.
Many of the same factors are involved, like
Process of Inflammation,
Pain Causing Dynamic, etc.
What Is Tendonitis3. You heard a *snap*. Did you feel a snap? Do
you know where it was, exactly?
4. Why the hell did they do a decompression surgery at your elbow?? From what you've said here, decompression sounds like the last thing you needed.
5. Did they look for
Torn Tendons? A ruptured tendon -really- isn't that hard to find. Did they do an MRI? Did they test your finger and wrist and arm strength/mobility to identify the problem?
At this point (for the record, I've only working from what you've written here above) I'm VERY suspicious of the quality of your care.
6. Puffiness is from a constant inflammation process trapping fluid in the area. Unless the puffiness is from some other medical condition affecting you circulation.
7. Why exactly couldn't you lift your arm over your head for weeks after the incident? Details please.
8. Do you have full range of motion in all your fingers? Wrist?
9. Do you have full strength now in all your fingers? Wrist?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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