59 year old mowed the lawn now has wrist tendonitis and/or carpal tunnel syndrome, and trigger finger
by Adele Weeks
(Racine, WI)
I am 59. I mowed my lawn in early June, for about 1 1/4 hours. I have done so for many years, with no problems, previous to this time.
But that night, I woke up in terrible pain, with swollen wrists, tingling, and pain in my fingers and palms. It has continued until the present time. I have now seen three doctors; my g.p., an orthopod, and a rheumatologist.
I have a positive Finklestein test for thumb tendonitis, but I also have tendonitis of the tendons that run across the back of my hand, and my ring finger on my dominant hand can't straighten out without triggering and pain.
I have had four courses of oral cortisone, two different NSAIDS, many specific rheumatoid arthritis blood tests (rheumatoid factor, ANA, CRP, igg igm and iga), all negative for arthritis.
I have been wearing wrist splints, but all to no avail. I am in so much pain every day. It is worst when I wake up, and many times I can't get to sleep because of it. I can't do anything with my hands. Can you help me?
I just read about your ice dips and I will try them....
Joshua Answers:Hello Adele.
How'd the ice dipping go? Specifically, how much did you ice dip, and what results did you get?
It is entirely
common with
Tendonitis to have no symptoms (although I bet you had some ache and soreness in the hands and fingers previously) and then all of a sudden have significant
Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms.
What Is Tendonitis?That's exactly how the
Pain Causing Dynamic works. It builds up slowly over time and that BAM gets pushed over a particular threshold into lots of pain and problem.
As you've probably found by now,
Wrist splints and braces don't fix anything.
Also, did you say you had
Trigger Finger happening in there?
Give me an update on what you've done and where you're at now, and we'll go from there.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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