42 year old new mum with wrist and foot tendonitis
by Vicky
(London, UK)
Hi. My baby is now 10 months old and I've been suffering from wrist tendonitis since she was a week old. I also have pain in the tendons on the top of my feet.
I'm taking anti-inflamatories and using anti-inflamatory gel provides very temporary relief. Some movements make me cry out in pain from my wrists.
Since discovering your excellent website I've started sleeping in compression wrist supports and this seems to help. I've just started taking 350mg magnesium a day and know I need to get myself organised and try the ice dipping.
I'm hoping this will sort my wrists out but what about my feet? I'm still carrying a bit of pregnancy weight - I weigh 154lb and am 5'4" - does this make a difference?
Any advice from across the Atlantic (I'm in London, UK) would be very appreciated.
Joshua Answers:Hi Vicky.
Congrats on the new baby!
Now let's deal with your body pain.
1. Take more magnesium. 350mg is almost certainly not enough. Take as much as you can in bits throughout the day.
2. Get your Vitamin D level checked. Then supplement appropriately. You're most certainly deficient, and thus your baby is deficient too.
For example, if you're not supplementing -minimally- 5,000i.u.'s per day, your baby isn't getting any via breastmilk (presuming that you're breastfeeding).
3. You have
Tendonitis, but you certainly have
Pain Causing
And part of that is likely due to nutritional factors. Pregnancy etc takes a lot out of you nutritionally.
What Is Tendonitis?Unless you have physical activity reasons for wrist and ankle pain (running, lifting and typing, etc), and you didn't have any pain before, and then you suddenly have pain with the new baby...that's not likely to be true tendonitis.
It's entirely common to have pain that mimics the
Symptoms of Tendonitis due to nutritional deficiency.
4. It's super easy to do an ice dip. Start one in the morning, and as you walk by, do a 10 second dip. Yes, feet/ankles are far less convenient.
See Related:
Magnesium for TendonitisSee Related:
Vitamin D and Pregnancy----------------------
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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