31 Year Old Dentist With Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms
by 31
I am a 31 year old dentist practicing for 3 years. I am right handed and I often have wrist pain. The pain comes and goes but is becoming more constant.
The pain is in the back side of my wrist and hurts when i press the bones of my wrist (when I bend my wrist/hand down there is a bone I believe the carpals that is almost circular shaped that slightly protrudes. If I press in this area it is very sore).
The pain does not radiate to my forearm or fingers but hurts sharply when i flex my wrist forward or backwards. I find that I have become slightly limited in wrist motion, that when it is painful I can not bend the wrist as far forward as I am otherwise able. Strangely enough I do not find a direct correlation between work and pain.
I will often have pain in the wrist at the end of the weekend when I have not worked in a couple of days, and then at the end of the week can sometimes have no pain.
There seems not to be a direct correlation between using my wrist as a dentist and pain in the wrist. Is this tendonitis? How do I treat this? Hoping all my dental training is not for naught!!
Thank you for your help.
Joshua Answers:Hi 31.
Say hello to
Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms!
It makes sense that with your daily job requirement activities and posture that you've been developing a
Pain Causing Dynamic.
Basically, things get tighter and tighter, eventually a
Process of Inflammation sets in and slowly increases, and sooner or later you start to
feel it.
The good news is, it seems pretty minor at the moment. But
Tendonitis has a way of creeping up on you, and once it's there, gets worse and worse.
Unless you do something about it. It's a GOOD thing that you've started looking for a fix sooner than later.
What Is TendonitisHere is the probably reason why it doesn't work during work but does by the end of the weekend: When you're working your muscles are active and 'loose'. Then you take a couple days off, and your muscles, which are getting slowly tighter and tighter, due to lack of constant movement, start 'freezing' up.
'Freezing' is too extreme a word, let's just say that as they get tighter and tighter, they settle into a TOO TIGHT resting position.
That's not the best explanation in the world, let me know if you don't get the concept.
So, what have you done so far to help the situation?
Have you learned
How To Reduce Inflammation?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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