24 year old with Wrist Pain that reappears every few months or so
by Kennita
Hi, I'm a 24 year old female and for about the last year or two I've been having issues with my right wrist. The pain will suddenly begin out of nowhere, although it usually seems more noticeable when I awake. The pain is right in the middle of the top (with palm facing down) of my wrist and goes up through about mid-way to the top of my hand stoping just short of my middle and ring fingers.
The pain is usually intense and will stick with me for about a week or so before returning back to normal.
Unfortunately this doesn't last very long because within a few months the pain is back again.
I haven't noticed any inflammation or swelling, but I don't doubt that's what's going on internally. It hurts to rotate my wrist in the slightest and when I wiggle my thumb there is pain in the wrist as well.
It feels like the tendons in the back of my hand are stiff, and I have lost a lot of strength in my hand to the point I find myself dropping my keys and not being able to open soda cans or jars, something I can do when I'm not in pain.
I'm not overweight and I work retail. I've been very active in sports in the past but not so much these days. I do some small crafts and video game playing but I don't recall ever experiencing pain or stiffness during or after these events.
Any advice will be appreciated since I don't have money or insurance in which I
can go and see a doctor.
Thank You Very Much,
Joshua Answers:Hi Kennita.
Well, there's some options.
1. You have
Wrist Tendonitis which includes the muscles on the back-of-the-hand side of your forearm are TOO TIGHT, thus compressing your wrist joint too.
2. There is a lipoma (benign fatty tumor) or cyst growing in/on the wrist joint. Do you have any lumps/bumps?
3. There is a nutritional or hormonal component that would explain the tendonitis-mimicing pain coming and going.
If you can rule out #2, we can talk about #1 and #3.
In which case, I will ask you the following questions:
1. How bad does it hurt?
2. What exactly does 'the pain will suddenly begin out of nowhere' mean? Details.
3. Overall, describe the symptoms, the more detail the better.
4. Any history of injury or pain/problem?
Tendonitis is relatively easy to deal with, nutrition is easy to deal with, hormonal stuff can be tougher (and really not my domain though I can point you in the right direction).
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert