23 year old Production Artist with Tendonitis in the wrist and forearm
by April
I have been dealing with tendonitis for 8-9 months now. I am a production artist and have to redraw logos/set art, etc. I am 23 years old.
When it started, I was working 60 hrs a week at work due to understaffing and the start of our busy season. I was working extremely fast, not stretching or giving myself a break, and very stressed out.
I didn't think anything of it because I figured being young, my body could take it. Very wrong.
My hand started hurting around my knuckles and spreading to my wrist . At the time I had no idea what it was, and continued working on it, no ice or anything.
Within a week I was in so much pain that I went to my dr. who gave me a mild anti-inflammatory, and told me to use heat (no ice) and to take a few days off.
I went to work 5 days later on mon, using a splint advised by him. By tuesday my entire hand and arm felt like they were on fire.
My work sent me to another dr., same thing, except he told me to ice.
After a few weeks of working 4 hrs/day on my computer instead of 8, my wrist started feeling better, but my forearm was bothering me.
I was sent to an Ortho specialist who gave me two injections (each a month apart), which did not help at all. Since then, I had surgery a couple weeks ago. My dr. called it Intersection Syndrome and decompressed the 2nd compartment of my forearm. I haven't worked on it yet, and was told to massage and ice.
However, I already feel the pressure/irritation that was there before, and know the surgery must not have worked. I just started your Super icing technique today.
Do you have any advice for me? I am worried that the surgery was a complete waste.
Joshua Answers:Yes I do April.
Ice Dip. Ice Dip. Ice Dip. 30+ times per day. More if you want the pain to go away faster.
This will take some work. It may take several days before you notice benefit. But there is A LOT going on under the surface of your skin. Ice Dipping is, in my opinion, the only tool that is going to start shifting you out of the pain dynamic (other than never using your hands again).
Take your tolerance level of Magnesium.
Find out what that means by following the link on the bottom of this
Magnesium for Tendonitis page. Make sure to read that page before following the link to the
Magnesium Dosage page.
3. Cover your bases with Vitamin B6 and B12 (methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin).
Inflammation Causes Vitamin B6 Deficiency. In short, B6 deficiency results in pain.
4. Might as well get your Vitamin D level checked too. I bet you a dollar it's way too low.
I also fear that your surgery was a complete waste.
It clearly did not address the cause, the source, of your problem. And it added injury, pain, insult to your nervous system, and will add issues with those plus scar tissue formation and the constriction that that causes.
And I'm guessing that surgeon doesn't have a money back guarantee....or even an admission that surgery may not have been the best option. I wonder if s/he'll recommend a second one since the first one didn't 'work'.
Tendonitis dynamic can look a lot of different ways. Intersection Syndrome is one of them. Tightness and pain cause more tightness and pain, whatever one wants to call it.
First things first. Start Ice Dipping like your career depends on it. (It very well might.)
Magnesium is a close second.
Vit D, B6 and B12 are a distant but still should do them third. Any one of them could actually be a big player.
Do that for a few days solid. (You can take a 5 gallon bucket to work, put frozen water bottles in it with water, and dip throughout the day.)
Ice Dip (and the nutrients) isn't a fix, but it's what you need to start with. Do that, then check in, and we'll go from there.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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