23 year old male have had bad right wrist now for 3 years
by Tom
Hi there, I am 23 year old male and I have had a bad right wrist now for just over 3 years (on/off).
I cant remember how I even injured it in the first place, but it comes and goes.
When the pain is there I will get a sharp pain going from the left hand side of my right wrist(just under the thumb) into the centre of the wrist. Its sometimes so bad it hurts to push a door open, pick things up and to grip things.
The pain will stay for about 2-3 weeks then it will go. It will then come back a month or 2 later with the same symptoms.
I have had physio, seen doctors and had an MRI scan. The MRI scan showed nothing however the wrist wasnt hurting at the time of the scan. I have also had a cortisone injection at the hospital which worked for about 4 months but now the pain is back.
I play a lot of golf and in the past when I have had the pain I rested the wrist for about 5 weeks and I thought the pain had gone forever but it just keeps coming back.
In you opinion does this sound like Tendonitis?
If so what is the best ways of getting rid of it for good? As im worried that I may have it for the rest of my life or that further damage may happen to the wrist and stop me doing the things I love to do.
If you could help that would be brilliant as I have tried everything.
Kind regards
Tom Bowgett
Joshua Answers:Hi Tom.
Yes, it
absolutely sounds like a
Tendonitis dynamic to me.
What Is Tendonitis I say 'dynamic', because many factors go
Symptoms of Tendonitis. And 'damage' isn't the only factor.
You SHOULD worry that you'll have it the rest of your life. Tendonitis doesn't just go away on it's own.
Rest won't help tendonitis, as you've so clearly shown.
But that's just the default, how the body automatically works. Can you make it better, make the pain go away, play as much golf as you want without pain? Absolutely.
Will it take some time and effort? Yes. But mostly it will take diligence...doing a little bit repetitively every day. The more of the CORRECT self care you do, the faster your symptoms will go away and the longer they'll stay away.
Were it me I'd get the
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook and follow the plan you'll find in there.
Or you can start with:
Magnesium for Tendonitisand
How To Reduce InflammationMore questions, more answers.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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