17 year old baseball pitcher, finger pain in middle and ring finger
by Rob
I experience pain at the base of my right middle and ring finger sometimes going up to the next joint on each finger. I am 17 years old, this has been happening lately when I pitch for my baseball team. MRI and x ray show nothing.
Hey Rob.
I wouldn't think that MRI or xrays would show anything for what you describe, but it never hurts to take a look just in case.
1. How much do you pitch?
2. How often?
3. How many years have you played pitched?
4. How long has this been going on?
5. How 'bad' is it? Meaning, how much does it hurt, for how long, and how often?
6. What else do you do with those fingers, activity wise? Lots of texting? Lots of time on the laptop? Fingertip push-ups? Pull-ups? Etc.
7. Can you tell if the joint is unhappy, or if the tendons crossing the joint are unhappy?
I surmise that you hold the ball a certain way before and during each throw when you pitch. Over and over.
I surmise that your finger joints get more pressure on them than they like, in a non-optimal direction/angle.
I'm guessing you're experiencing beginning stage
Tendonitis, though it could be the same dynamic but happening to the joints themselves, which I guess would make it 'Jointitis'. (I don't think that's a real term, but I like it.)
Way down the line,
Trigger Finger/a> can become an issue, but in the beginnings, no problem. Easy to deal with.
Answer the above questions to give me more clues/information, including, do you play ball for fun or do you have aspirations of college and beyond?
It's more common than it should be for young high school baseball pitchers to have shoulder pain, arm problems, and finger and wrist issues.
I'm happy to help. Let's not just get you out of pain, let's show you how to keep this 'damage' from happening through the rest of your career.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert