16 Year Old With Wrist Pain From Intersection Syndrome
by Sandy
My daughter has been diagnosed finally after 5 months with Intersection Syndrome in her wrists. We have been to physical therapists and several doctors before we received her diagnosis.
Pain came on suddenly in July. Pain is constant but hurts more when she does anything with her hands. We are just completing a round of laser therapy but have seen no improvement.
Just found your website. We had done the ice massage before but started today with the ice dipping.
Several questions:
1. Her wrists really hurt when we do the ice massage? Is this normal?
2. How many times a day can she ice dip?
3. She had been low on Vitamin D but she took the prescription that she was given. How much vitamin d should she take?
4. Anything else she should be doing?
Joshua Answers:Hi Sandy.
This response is a bit belated, what's your daughter's status now?
So before I answer your questions, let me say, that Intersection Syndrome is just a fancy and dangerous sounding label for something tenosynovitis of the radial wrist extensors.
Tendonitis can be painful and problematic for a variety of reasons.
What Is TendonitisTenosynovitis is essentially made up of all the same variables, but due to a couple factors, is generally FAR more painful.
Sudden pain? No pain until use of the hands? Intense pain?
Yep. Tenosynovitis is no fun. No worries though, it's totally reversible.
Not with laser therapy though. Not with
Rest. Not with
Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen. Not with
Wrist splints and braces.
Not with
Corticosteroid Injections.
Moving onto your questions.
1. Her wrists really hurt when we do the ice massage? Is this normal?Normal is relative of course, but for Intersection Syndrome / Wrist Tenosynovitis, yes, it's absolutely normal.
2. How many times a day can she ice dip?As many times as she wants to. The most I've ever heard of anybody reporting back to me is 70 dips
in a day.
Each dip causes benefit. The more, the better. Having said that, it's a cumulative effect, and it may take a while before you consciously feel a difference.
3. She had been low on Vitamin D but she took the prescription that she was given. How much vitamin d should she take?Prescription Vitamin D has been proven by plenty of research to be worthless. It' brings up levels but doesn't provide results.
She should take Vitamin D3, not prescription Vit D which is Vit D2.
How much should she take? Vit D researchers recommend 5,000i.u.'s of VIt D3 per day as a -maintenance- dose, and that may or may not bring her actual levels up. Depending on her size, how much magnesium and fat she gets into her, etc.
See the Vit D pages at
www.Easy-Immune-Health.comAnd YOU should take vitamin D also. If for no other reason than adequate levels of Vit D reduce the incidence of breast cancer by 85%.
So I'll edit that statement to say, that YOU and your daughter and every woman you know should spend the $15/year to have your Vit D levels where they should be.
4. Anything else she should be doing?
Plenty, yes.
Give me an update of where she's at now, etc. And we'll go from there.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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