14 year old with Achilles Tendonitis can't get rid of it
by Lee Sigler
(Northbrook, Illinois)
My son is 14 years old and I can't get rid of his achilles tendonitis.
He has been to every doctor, and has worn a boot for a month, has been in physical therapy for over 5 months, and still he can't play basketball.
He has not done sports in over 5 months.
No one can tell me anything except that it will take more time. So what can I do to help the process along faster?
Joshua Answers:Hi Lee. You didn't leave your email address on the notification check box so I hope you find this.
I'm curious why your son is having Achilles Tendonitis symptoms.
I wonder how much natural growing pains are at play. 'More time' is the correct answer for that one, but for most everything else.....
Let's investigate.
1. How bad is the pain?
2. Is the pain constant or comes and goes, only with activity, does it hurt when at rest?
3. Are the tendons tender to the touch?
4. Does he have scar tissue build up on the Achilles tendons, lumps?
5. How tall/heavy is he?
6. Growth spurts lately?
7. Generally, what does his diet look like?
8. He's been out of sports for 5 months. How long has he been hurting?
We need to find out if this is nutritional (vitamin D deficiency, for instance), or if he has actual tendon fiber damage that can come with
Achilles Tendonitis.
What Is Tendonitis?----------------------
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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