Tendonitis Isn't A Mystery
It's A Mechanism

Eliminating Tendonitis Symptoms and providing treatment that works is what we do here.

Your doctors and surgeons and PT's have failed to eliminate your pain and problem. That's why you're here.

But YOU aren't doomed to never-ending pain.

Did you know that with the RIGHT protocol your Tendonitis Symptoms can be reversed?

Every. Single. Time.

You can become an expert too.  

The trick is, tendon pain can come from a variety of directions, and a Tendinitis Treatment must EFFECTIVELY deal with the -right- factors.

That's why your Tendinitis symptoms, pain, and problem seems to be a mystery to the vast majority of doctors and medical professionals. Have you noticed that once they prescribe what they have in their toolbox, they have no other options to help you (except more of the same)?

You just need the RIGHT understanding of how the body works and the RIGHT know how to -effectively- deal with it.

Treating Tendonitis is an Expert Massage Therapist's bread and butter. Symptoms of Tendonitis, when understood, are simple to deal with.  Tendonitis is a mechanism, a dynamic.  Just like working on a car.  Easy when you know how.

A Tendonitis Treatment You Can Do Yourself At Home And Work

  • Without Drugs. Without Surgery.
  • Without wasting time or money.
  • Without extra information that you don't need and won't use.
  • No matter how long you've been hurting, or what else you've tried.

What if you could work on yourself at home?  No trips to the doctor and/or physical therapist?  (How much $ would that save you???)

Not that you shouldn't give them a try, but if you already have...

You can learn a new skill, the ability to keep yourself out of pain and problem.  Saves a bunch of wasted time and effort and money, and its a skill you can put to use when needed for the rest of your life.

"Hey Joshua, just got back from the Roy Hobbs World Series in Florida capping off a 30 plus game schedule that included almost forty innings pitched. Could never had done it without you and your system and advice. Thanks for everything.

Anybody who plays baseball/pitches would benefit from your protocol. It’s a fact. I think I may have mentioned to you already that my surgeon told me he could see why this treatment would work for tendinitis. No skepticism whatsoever. Kind of surprised me though lol"

Mike O'Neil

What Does It Take To
Heal Tendonitis?

How can you stop suffering from the Symptoms of Tendonitis related issues like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Wrist Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow, Trigger Finger, Repetitive Strain Injury, Golfers Elbow, Tenosynovitis, Achilles Tendonitis, etc?

You have to understand the Pain Causing Dynamic.

An effective Tendonitis Treatment has to deal with the CAUSE of your symptoms, as opposed to trying to mask or diminish just the symptoms.

What you won't find here:

We won't waste time educating you about the 'best' kinds of wrist splints or corticosteroid shots or surgery.


"I went to the doctor 2 times in Turkey and Germany. They didn't understand what is going on and they didn't help at all ! Thank you so much for solving my problem. My pain is 90 percent gone. I can play guitar again."
Can Ozan


"I have to say that in my quest to understand and alleviate my tendonitis without drugs , injections or surgery, I have found the explanations, information and advice on on your site and in the ebooks second to none."



"I have been dealing with numerous joint and soft tissue injuries, seen multiple doctors, and done every conservative therapy you can think of.  By far, the most useful information I have acquired is provided by Joshua via his literature and personal communication.  If you follow the protocol, you WILL GET BETTER.  You have to put in the work, but it will pay off in the end!"

Mike khoury
Dallas, Texas


"I have been a client of Joshua’s for almost a decade. Now Joshua works on me every time he's up in Seattle. Last time I had elbow pain that had been hurting me as a result of a sports-related injury. Joshua told me to do a specific self-care thing for it, and said he wasn't going to bother spending time on it because I could fix it myself. I did what he suggested (hesitantly) for two days, and the pain was gone."
John Rubino

How Long Have You Been Suffering Without A Good Tendonitis Treatment?

Have you had enough?

Are you interested in finally getting out of tendinitis pain, reversing the 'problem', and getting back to living a pain free life?


There is a lot of information out there. There are many medical treatments and types of therapy. There are a lot of theories, advice columns, and answers for sale.

Many people tell me that they've 'tried everything'.  But they haven't.  They only tried methods that didn't work.

But you are still in pain with
Symptoms of Tendonitis.
Why is that?

It's because there's something missing.

With the correct understanding and the RIGHT information, these problems are simple, and can be easy to deal with the RIGHT Tendonitis Treatment.

My name is Joshua Tucker. I have been helping people become pain-free from the symptoms of Tendonitis for over a decade.

In fact, I specialize in the ELIMINATION of Tendonitis related issues like Achilles Tendonitis, Wrist Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, and Plantar Fasciitis.

It took me a few years to figure out the necessary factors of a Tendonitis Treatment that works. Now, your symptoms are no match for me! Very soon, they won't be a challenge for you either.

You Want Answers, Don't You?

There is a lot of information out there, but information itself is not valuable.

The RIGHT information is.

This website is full of the RIGHT information about how to reverse the symptoms of Tendonitis, information that will actually make a difference for you.

You will discover:

* An easy, natural way to make the pain down TODAY by reducing INFLAMMATION.

* Questions to ask your Doctor to insure that you get the best care.

* A complete picture and understanding of your pain and why it won't go away (The Pain Causing Dynamic).

* The Fatal Flaw of Ergonomics.

* An insider's view on what Tendonitis -really- is.

Being in pain from Tendinitis is no joke. It is real and you want it to go away and to stay away.

Let's work together to make that happen.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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